290S/290K Quantum Materials Seminar: Rourav Basak (UCSD); Wednesday, April 10 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time in 402 Physics South

April 3, 2024

290S/290K Quantum Materials Seminar: Rourav Basak (UCSD); Wednesday, April 10 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time in 402 Physics South

Time/Venue: Wednesday, April 10 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time in 402 Physics South and via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 995 2349 9113 Passcode: 600704

Host: Bob Birgeneau

Title: Studying quantum materials using coherent resonant X-ray scattering

Abstract: Coherent scattering utilizes well defined phase relationship of the incoming beam to extract more information about the arrangement of the scattering centers. The scattered intensity appears modulated by the interference pattern - speckle pattern. This is a complex interference pattern created from the Fourier transform of the arrangement of the scatters under the beam illumination. In the context of X-ray scattering speckle patterns can be used to find the domain distribution and fluctuation of an electronic order. In this talk I will discuss resonant coherent X-ray scattering and how we have utilized it to image first formed antiferromagnetic domains at the onset of a first order phase transition. Then I will show how we are using this to characterize phase competition between two antiferromagnetic orders. Finally I will motivate a discussion based on our ongoing research to think about new ways to measure spatio-temporal properties of quantum materials. 

See the Physics Department Calendar for future seminars.