The “290” seminars are graduate level courses that feature a weekly seminar on physics topics. Some 290 Seminars are closed to students only, but many are open to the public and welcome you to attend.
290A Nanoscale Research Developments Seminar
- Open to the public but particularly aimed at the UC Berkeley scientific community
- Recent developments in nano-related lab work
- Nanoscale Research Developments Seminar Events Calendar(link is external)
- For more information contact Avi Rosenzweig(link sends e-mail)
290B Space Sciences Seminar
- Open to the UC Berkeley and LBNL scientific communities
- Recent developments, with informal discussion, on topics in space science, space plasmas physics, space-based planetary science and astrophysics
- For more information contact Stuart Bale(link sends e-mail) or Chadi Salem(link sends e-mail)
290E High Energy/Nuclear Physics Seminar Series
- Open to the Berkeley and LBNL scientific communities
- Introductory talks on High Energy Physics/Nuclear Physics from senior physicists in the first few weeks of the semester, followed by graduate student presentations in the following weeks.
- High Energy/Nuclear Physics Seminar Schedule(link is external)
- For more information, contact: Marjorie Shapiro(link sends e-mail) and Barbara Jacak(link sends e-mail)
290F Atomic, Molecular and Optical Science and Quantum Information (AMO/QI) Seminar Series
- Open to students and the research community
- Seminars occur roughly weekly throughout the academic terms. These seminars feature advances in AMO/QI research worldwide. Some weeks are also set aside for the AMO Qual Club, a graduate-student focused event meant to enrich academic training and prepare students for their qualifying examination. Some other weeks feature Dissertation Celebrations, presented by a graduate student in the AMO/QI group upon completion of their PhD
- AMO/QI Seminar webpage
- For more information contact Hartmut Haffner(link sends e-mail), Holger Mueller(link sends e-mail), Alp Sipahigil(link sends e-mail), or Dan Stamper-Kurn(link sends e-mail)
290K Condensed Matter Seminar Series
- Open to the Public
- Recent developments in Condensed Matter Physics
- Visit the Physics Department Event Calendar(link is external) for a full listing of 290K Condensed Matter Seminars and all other Physics Department events
- For more information, contact: LaVern Navarro(link sends e-mail)
290K/290SQuantum Materials Seminar Series
- Open to public
- Seminars occur weekly on Wednesdays at 2 pm, alternating between a theory and experimental focus
- Quantum Materials Seminar listing
- For more information, contact: SuryaNeil Ahuja(link sends e-mail)
290P String Theory Seminar Series
- Open to students and the research community
- Recent developments in quantum gravity, holography and string theory. In addition, many talks are interdisciplinary in nature, with connections to quantum information, condensed matter and black hole physics
- Tuesdays 3:40pm, Physics South Hall Room 402, Campus. Occasionally Wednesdays, same location and time
- LBNL Theory Seminars Webpage(link is external)
- For more information, contact: : Tom Rudelius(link sends e-mail) and Sean Colin-Ellerin(link sends e-mail).
290Z Physics Theory Seminar Series
- Open to the Public
- An exchange of ideas and interesting developments in our field
- LBNL Theory Seminars Webpage(link is external)
- For more information, contact: LaVern Navarro(link sends e-mail)
290Z Informal String-Math Seminar Series
- Research seminar, intended for physicists and mathematicians
- Recent developments at the intersection of mathematics and theoretical physics
- The String-Math Seminar Webpage(link is external)
- To be added to the mailing list, contact Peng Zhou(link sends e-mail)
C290 Advanced Cosmology Research Seminar Series
- All welcome but designed for cosmology students, postdocs and senior researchers
- Seminars featuring updates on advanced cosmology research
- The Advanced Cosmology Research Seminar Series information page(link is external)
- For more information, contact Joanne Cohn