Student Support & Advising

For undergraduate student advising, please contact:

Kathleen Cooney
Undergraduate Advisor
374 Physics North, in-person availability varies, we recommend emailing first to set up a meeting online or in person

Nitin Srivastava
Undergraduate Advisor (A-L)
368 Physics North
Phone: (510) 642-0481 (inactive while remote)

For graduate student advising, please contact:

Marjani Jones
Graduate Advisor
370 Physics North, in-person availability varies, we recommend emailing first to set up a meeting online or in person

For BPIE (the Berkeley Physics International Education Program) student advising, please contact:

Isabella Mariano
BPIE Advisor and Department Scheduler
372 Physics North, in-person availability varies, we recommend emailing first to set up a meeting online or in person

Alexandria Perry
BPIE and BETA Physics Program Coordinator
372 Physics North

Claudia Trujillo
Director of Student Services & BPIE Program
376 Physics North, in-person availability varies, we recommend emailing first to set up a meeting online or in person