Student Services

Student Services

The Student Services team provides support for prospective students and current students in the undergraduate and graduate programs in the Physics department at UC Berkeley.

Prospective Students

Students seeking to apply to the program can learn more about the undergraduate and graduate programs as well as the application process.

For prospective graduate students, please email with your questions or concerns.


Undergraduate students please contact:

Kathleen Cooney
Undergraduate Advisor (M-Z)
374 Physics North
Phone: (510) 664-7557 (inactive while remote)
Book a Zoom or in-person appointment

Nitin Srivastava
Undergraduate Advisor (A-L)
368 Physics North
Phone: (510) 642-0481 (inactive while remote)
Book a Zoom or in-person appointment

Scheduling, BPIE & BETA Physics Matters please contact:

Isabella Mariano
BPIE Advisor & Department Scheduler
372 Physics North
Phone: (510) 664-5506 (inactive while remote)

Alexandria Perry
BPIE and BETA Physics Program Coordinator
372 Physics North

Claudia Trujillo
Director of Student Services, BPIE and BETA Physics Program
376 Physics North

Graduate students please contact:

Ariana Castro 
Lead Graduate Advisor
366 Physics North
Phone: (510) 642-0596 (inactive while remote) 

Marjani Jones
Graduate Advisor
370 Physics North
Phone: (510) 642-0596 (inactive while remote)