First Days
- Orientation - coming soon
- Building access, or page 29 of the Grad Guide
- Required trainings
- Health insurance (SHIP)
- Housing support
Academic Quicklinks
- Grad Guide - The Graduate Student Guide has more than just information about PhD degree requirements. You can also find many of the links below. It is a must read for Physics PhD students.
- Residency requirements page
- Residency Checklist (official Berkeley one)
- Prelim Exam webpage
- First year summer research rotation worksheet
- GSR Description of Duties form (first year summer rotations only)
- Declaring a Physics Department faculty member as your advisor
- Declaring a faculty member in another department as your advisor
- GSR Description of Duties form (for all others)
- Scheduling the QE and page 14 of the Grad Guide
- Dissertation filing and page 15 of the Grad Guide
- Disabled Student Accommodations
- UAW contract links for GSIs and GSRs
- Guide to setting up direct deposit
- GSI employment information
- GSR FAQ - coming soon
- Berkeley tax guide
Graduate Student Life
International Students
- Getting an SSN (international students)
- Opening a bank account
- Visa requirements