
Professor Yury Kolomensky in the lab with postdoc
Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Oliver Jeong Graduate Student

Astrophysics Expt.

Sheela Jhaveri, MA Financial Analyst Staff
Na Ji Professor Faculty


Jingwei Jiang Graduate Student
Lucas Andrew Johns Post Doc
Luke Johns Post Doc, NASA Einstein Fellow Post Doc

Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics

Marjani Jones Graduate Advisor Staff
Mackenzie Joy Graduate Student
Chao Ju Graduate Student
Steven Kahn Dean of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, Professor of Physics, Professor of Astronomy Faculty


Helia Kamal Graduate Student
Tanner Kaptanuglu Post Doc
Dhruva Karkada Graduate Student
Dan Kasen Professor Faculty

Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics

Sami Kaya Graduate Student
Weiyao Ke Post Doc
Jack Kemp Post Doc
Sumanta Khan Post Doc
Haleem Kim Graduate Student
Hyunseong (Linus) Kim Graduate Student

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