April 20, 2021
Monday, April 26, 2021
In this talk, we generalize Witten's non-abelian bosonization in (1+1)-D to two and three spatial dimensions. Our theory applies to fermions with relativistic dispersion. The bosonized theories are non-linear sigma models with level-1 Wess-Zumino-Witten terms. We apply the bosonization results to the SU(2) gauge theory of the $\pi$-flux phase, critical spin liquids in 1,2,3 spatial dimensions, and twisted bilayer graphene.
Meeting ID: 982 6227 4858
Passcode: 279538
SIP: 98262274858@zoomcrc.com
Passcode: 279538
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Speaker: Yen-Ta Huang
Affiliation: UC Berkeley
Research Area: Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science