Join us for the Physics Department Colloquium at 4:15 p.m.
Title: What must change for things not to stay the same?
Have you ever felt that the more things change, the more they stay the same in relation to diversifying the scientific community? Indeed, over the past fifty years, while the demographics of the higher education science community have changed, those changes have far from kept pace with national demographic shifts, and the challenges associated with access, belonging, and advancement of underrepresentation of minority and minoritized groups in science continue, especially at research intensive universities in the US. This, despite laws and policies such as affirmative action, programmatic interventions by universities, and financial support from federal agencies to diversify STEM educational and career pathways into and through academia. Here, at Berkeley, in Physics and in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division, strategic investments of time, effort, and resources for advancing diversity and achieving equity have started to show results. This presentation will hone in on some of the most seemingly intractable problems, promising current efforts, and data-driven, evidence-based approaches that we can do now and here to affect real, measurable, and sustained positive change.
Location: Zoom Webinar
Webinar ID: 938 4556 6700
Speaker: Colette Patt
Affiliation: Assistant Dean, Mathematical & Physical Sciences, UC Berkeley