The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world's largest general scientific society and and publisher of the Science family of journals has announced the election of a standout group of individuals across scientific disciplines to the newest class of AAAS Fellows, among the most disctictive honors within the scientific community. Among the newly announced 2021 Fellows is Hitoshi Murayama, Professor of Theoretical Physics at UC Berkeley. Hitoshi is one of nine new fellows from UC Berkeley.
In addition to being a faculty member at Berkeley Physics, Hitoshi Murayama is also a faculty scientist in the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab and a faculty member at the University of Tokyo. He was recognized “for his many contributions to our understanding of physics beyond the Standard Model and for his role as founding director of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe” at the University of Toyko.
Murayama's work in fundamental particle physics ranges widely, from the quest to understand dark matter and dark energy, to neutrino physics, to the physics underpinning the first fraction of a second of the universe’s existence itself. Murayama is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as well as the Science Council of Japan. He won the 2002 Nishinomiya Yukawa Prize in Theoretical Physics, the 2016 Breakthrough Prize as part of the KamLAND neutrino experiment collaboration, and a 2017 Humboldt Research Award.
Read more about Hitoshi Murayama's AAAS Fellowship here.
Source: AAAS