View photos from 2019 CalDay in Physics here. What a great day it was!
The full schedule of CalDay 2019 events in Physics is listed below.
Come visit our table at the Information Marketplace to learn about a major in Physics! The Society of Physics Students will be there with some great demos!
9 am – 4 pm, Sproul Plaza
Brief individual meetings with Physics Undergraduate Advisors who will answer your questions about the program, requirements, academic opportunities, & life as an undergrad.
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
374 and 368 Physics North Hall (Waiting Room: 375 Physics North)
Undergraduate students discuss their experiences and current research in Berkeley's physics department.
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
385 Physics North
Learn about resources available to undergraduate physics majors: physics student organizations and graduate school information.
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
375 Physics North deck area
Attend this panel discussion to hear an overview of the physics major at Berkeley.
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
1 Physics North
Tours meet and depart from the courtyard/breezeway between Birge Hall and Physics South Hall (except where otherwise noted). Each tour departs promptly at the time listed and lasts approx. 30 min.
The Donald A. Glaser Advanced Lab (Physics 111) *
See where our upper division students conduct hands-on experiments.
12:45 pm (prospective students only), 1:45 pm
Quantum Materials Lab (Professor James Analytis)
Explore research into the new materials that will shape our future.
1:00 pm, 1:45 pm
Material Physics Lab (Professor Frances Hellman)
See how and why physicists make and measure materials.
1:00 pm, 1:45 pm
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Data Science Lab (Professor Holger Mueller and Xuejian Wu)
Watch researchers use their atomic gravimeter.
1:00 pm, 1:45 pm
Hands-On Physics **
Interactive exhibits for all ages led by Physics students.
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
245 and 248 Physics North Hall (2nd Floor)
Student Machine Shop Open House *
Supports science, student education and research. Live 3-D polymer printer demonstration!
10:00 am - 2:00 pm (Special for Admitted Students 12:45 pm*)
102 Physics North
Physics Research and Development Machine Shop Open House
Live demonstration! Showing of multi-axis machining centers and wire electrical discharged machine (EDM).
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
B1 Physics North
Stories of Learning Physics at Berkeley *
Come hear about some of the interesting things that Berkeley physics students are doing: Building quantum computers, looking for dark matter, studying antimatter, and even more interesting things!
Professor Bob Jacobsen
10:00 am - 11:00 am
4 Physics North
Cosmology and Fundamental Physics from Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
Learn how researchers' observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation contribute to our understanding of cosmology and fundamental physics.
Professor Adrian Lee
10:00 am - 11:00 am
1 Physics North
Dark Matter
How and Why do We Research Dark Matter?
Professor Matt Pyle
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
2 Physics North
What is Quantum Material?
The quantum liquids behind MRI scanners and levitating trains.
Professor James Analytis
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
4 Physics North
Gravitational Waves
What are Gravitational Waves and How do We Detect Them?
Professor Frances Hellman
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
4 Physics North
Fun with Physics **
Why should students have all the fun? Jaw dropping lab demos from amazing to simply spectacular. A CalDay favorite!
Professor Bob Jacobsen
12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
Birge 50 Lecture Hall (1st Floor)
Open from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
351 Physics North (3rd Floor)
* Specifically designed for prospective freshmen and transfer students interested in the physics major.
** Get your Science@Cal passport stamped at these activities.
Physics tee shirts will be on sale in the lobby of Physics North Hall.
Read more about CalDay 2019 on the Berkeley campus.