Research Interests:
Recent Publications:
R. Mandelbaum, T. Eifler, R. Hlozek, T. Collett, E. Gawiser, D. Scolnic, D. Alonzo, H. Awan, R. Biswas, J. Blazek, P. Burchat, N.E. Chisari, I. Dell’Antonio, S. Digel, J. Frieman, D.A. Goldstein, I. Hook, Z. Ivezic, S.M. Kahn, S. Kamath, D. Kirkby, T. Kitching, E. Krause, P.-F. Leget, P.J. Marshall, J. Meyers, H. Miyatake, J.A. Newman, R. Nichol, E. Rykoff, F.J. Sanchez, A. Slosar, M. Sullivan, and M.A. Troxel, “The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) Science Requirements Document”, arXiv:1809.01669 (2018).
D. Thomas and S.M. Kahn, “Searching for Subsecond Stellar Variability with Wide-field Star Trails and Deep Learning”, Ap. J., 868, 38T (2018).
D. Thomas, S.M. Kahn, F.B. Bianco, Z. Ivezic, C.M. Raiteri, A. Possenti, J.R. Peterson, C.J. Burke, R.D. Blum, G.H. Jacoby, S.B. Howell, and G. Madejski, “Unveiling the Rich and Diverse Universe of Subsecond Astrophysics through LSST Star Trails”, arXiv:181202932T (2018).
Z. Ivezic, S.M. Kahn, J.A. Tyson et al., “LSST: From Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products, Ap. J., 873, 111 (2019).
D. Thomas, J. Meyers, and S.M. Kahn, “Wide-field wavefront sensing with convolutional neural networks and ordinary least squares”, Proc. SPIE, 11448, 11448H (2020).
B. Abolfathi et al., “The LSST DESC DC2 Simulated Sky Survey, Ap. J. Suppl, 253, 31L (2021)