
banner with Python class title over it

Learn the basics of Python this Summer (2025)!

In the summer of 2025, the UC Berkeley Physics department will be hosting a free coding class for High School students, but it will be casted live for anybody wishing to learn the basics of coding.

The class is designed to give students the key necessary tools to learn how to write simple code using a programming language called Python. In this class, you will learn some fun concepts in Physics, Math, statistics, and, of course, programming. You will do this by solving problems numerically. You will learn to solve equations, do data analysis, and model various systems, among other techniques.

The class will be hosted in person for a small number of students. Those students will be able to come to the Berkeley campus and interact closely with the lectures. The rest will be able to join remotely and interact with the lectures via Zoom Webinar.

It is not necessary that you have any Physics or Calculus background. You will need some basic algebra.

Flyer for 2025 PYTHON class  Download a Python4Physics flyer!

To Register

If you are interested in participating in person, please fill out the application form by May XX, 2025. We will notify those accepted for in-person by May XX. If you are interested in participating remotely, you will be immediately accepted and allowed to join remotely.


Key summary points:

  • What is Python4Physics? Free programming class
  • Who can apply? Everyone
  • Where? Hybrid (some students will be in person in the UC Berkeley Campus, others will be remote)
  • When? Start date: June 16, 2025, end date: July 11, 2025
  • What defines who joins in person vs. hybrid? Space limit on campus.
  • Deadline? We will be accepting remote applicants until June, but in-person applicants will only be be considered until April XX. We will notify those accepted for in-person by May XX.
  • How often will the class meet? Two days per week, for approximately 2 hours.
  • Will computers be provided for in-person participants? We do not know yet.

This course is part of the REYES program -
For any questions, email with the Subject line "P4P Summer 2025 Question"