Human Resources

Human Resources

The Department of Physics is committed to providing the resources, tools and guidance its community of students, faculty, staff, researchers, visitors, and volunteers need to successfully support a diverse workforce of people and ideas focused on education and the cutting edge science that will lead the world into tomorrow. 

Human Resources for the Department of Physics is designed to be every employee’s first stop for questions regarding payroll, benefits, policies, concerns, and opportunities.  Though Human Resources for the Physics Department is primarily tasked with supporting departmental Academic Personnel (Senate Faculty, Visiting Professors, and non-Senate Lecturers), our goal is to be the liaison between all employees and the Campus resources available to enrich the employment experience for all positions. 

Contact Information

Human Resources for Academic Personnel 

Mari Royer, Academic Personnel Manager (100% remote, so please email to make an appointment) Email:

ERSO Human Resources handles staff, postdoc and researcher appointments
Email: (for student hiring requests)
Guide to working with ERSO Regional Services