Berkeley Physics is delighted to announce that Claudia Trujillo, Director of Student Services, has been awarded a Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Award. We congratulate Claudia for this well-deserved recognition!
The Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee cites the following:
“Claudia is an exemplary administrator, dedicated to the mission of making physics accessible to all students. She pioneered approaches to “Build a community”, addressing pressing challenges such as an “imposter syndrome” & a “stereotype threat”. She developed a course specifically for transfer students, piloted for the last two fall semesters with great success. She co-founded the Physics Staff for Action on Racial Justice to create community principles of an equitable and ethical environment and created the Physics Latinx Community Group. She joined the MPS Dean’s Task Force on Undergraduate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, tasked with evaluating data on STEM students and retention, receiving a ~ $3M grant from the Moore Foundation for the Mathematical Physical Sciences Scholars Program. Claudia launched a very successful revenue-generating Berkeley Physics International Education Program. Claudia is an outstanding role model and mentor.“