CIQC News 2022

02/11/22 Hartmut Haeffner Research Highlight: Coupling Two Laser-Cooled Ions via a Room-Temperature Conductor

From CIQC PI Hartmut Haeffner’s research group:

Researchers at UC Berkeley have coupled the motion of two ions spaced by 0.6 mm to each other by literally placing a wire between them. The wire and the electrodes used to trap remain at room temperature while the ions are at temperatures near absolute zero at -273 degrees Celsius. One ion was kept "hot" at 250 mK while another ion was kept cold at 2 mK. By measuring the temperature of the hot ion, the researchers could detect that the cold ion coupled to the hot ion slowing its heating. Laser cooling ions is important both for quantum...

02/11/22 David Weld Research Highlight: Observation of the quantum boomerang effect

From CIQC PI David Weld’s research group:

By throwing atoms and watching them come back to the starting point, experimentalists have now observed for the first time a dynamical feature of disordered quantum matter called the “quantum boomerang effect.” More than 60 years ago Phil Anderson pointed out that quantum mechanical effects of disorder in a material can localize electrons– that is, prevent them from leaving a small neighborhood, thereby turning a metal into an insulator. Only recently, theorists predicted that if a particle is launched in any direction in an Anderson...

07/11/22 Stamper-Kurn group graduate students awarded the H2H8 Graduate Research Grant to Advance Humanity

Graduate students Malte Schwarz, Shao-Wen Chang, and Rowan Duim have won research awards from the H2H8 Association(link is external), a Bay Area nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting science that deepens our understanding of the world and leads humanity towards a better future. H2H8 research grants acknowledge graduate students in physical and mathematical sciences at UC Berkeley who are dedicated to advancing humanity. These awards will support the Stamper-Kurn group’s quantum simulation work using bosons and fermions in an...