4/3/24 AMO/QI Seminar Dr. Josh Combes

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 11 am - 12 pm 375 Physics North

Please join us for this week’s AMO/QI seminar featuring Dr. Josh Combes, University of Colorado, Boulder. He will be giving a talk titled: Nonclassical light interacting with matter and nonclassical measurements


In this talk, I'll begin by summarizing a decade of research into the effects on matter interacting with non-classical light pulses, such as Schrödinger cat states or photon number states....

4/10/24 AMO/QI Seminar Jeremy Axelrod's Dissertation Celebration

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 11 am - 12 pm 375 Physics North

Please join us for this week’s AMO/QI Seminar for Dr. Jermey Axelrod’s Dissertation Celebration! Congratulations!! He will give a talk titled: A Laser Phase Plate for Transmission Electron Microscopy


Low image contrast is a major limitation in transmission electron microscopy, since samples with low atomic number only weakly phase-modulate the illuminating electron beam, and beam-induced sample damage limits the usable electron dose. The contrast can be increased by...

4/17/24 AMO/QI seminar Dr. Jon Simon, Stanford

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 375 Physics North

Please join us for this week’s AMO/QI seminar featuring Dr. Jon Simon, Stanford. He will be giving a talk titled: Racing to the Bottom: Low Finesse, Small Waist Cavity QED

In this seminar I’ll tell the story of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED) from first principles, building towards a new type of sub-micron waist resonator recently developed in the Simon/Schuster collaboration...

4/24/24 AMO/QI Seminar Neil Glikin's Dissertation Celebration!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 11 am - 12 pm 374 Physics North

Please join us for this week’s AMO/QI seminar to celebrate Dr. Neil Glikin’s completion of his dissertation! After his talk there will be a celebratory lunch. Here is a zoom link in case you cannot attend in person.
He will be giving a talk titled: Creating and Destroying Rotational Coherence with Trapped Ions

Far from being just qubits, trapped ions are also near-ideal quantum harmonic oscillators thanks to their external motion. Over the past few...

5/1/24 AMO/QI Seminar Michael Mills Quantinuum

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 11 am - 12 pm 375 Physics North

Please join us for the final AMO/QI seminar of the semester featuring Dr. Michael Mills of Quantinuum. He will be giving a talk titled: Benchmarking a racetrack trapped-ion quantum processor

The System Model H2, a quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) trapped-ion system with a new racetrack-shaped trap, is Quantinuum's latest generation of quantum computers. The new system successfully incorporates several...