11/26/23 Congratulations Joel Moore, Nick Sherman, and Alex Avdoshkin on your recent publication

In their new work, Universality of critical dynamics with finite entanglement, the goal is to understand how a famous dynamical process, the quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism, is affected by different kinds of errors that limit entanglement. Since this mechanism is widely used to study phase transitions with quantum emulators and computers, understanding its robustness is crucial to future applications of quantum computing. This work will help to answer the question...

11/13/23 Malte Schwarz, GSR, Stamper-Kurn UCB Research Group Highly Recommends Research Exchange Program After UCSB Visit

The CIQC graduate student exchange program allowed to me to visit and work with the ultracold atom labs of David Welds’ group at UCSB. During my time there I spent one week with the Strontium optical lattice experiment; I greatly enjoyed learning about new perspectives on optical lattice experiments from a Floquet and quasicrystal point of view. In addition, I got the chance to learn in depth from their optics setups, ultra-high vacuum setups, electronics, experimental control, analysis, and theory simulations. The experience of working with a team of researchers directly for multiple days...