The DeCal Program (DeCal) is a student-run program at UC Berkeley, where students create and facilitate their own classes on a variety of subjects under the sponsorship of an academic department on campus. Find out how to propose and start a course.
The Physics Department supports the DeCal program and encourages student participation. These are the guidelines for students interested in requesting sponsorship for physics-related courses:
1. Physics Department Deadline
All completed proposals are due in the Department exactly one month before the official Academic Senate deadline every semester. Late submissions and incomplete applications will not be considered. No exceptions.
2. Approval
For Department Chair approval, all completed forms must first be submitted to Claudia Trujillo, at 368 Physics North. Do not submit forms directly to the Chair's Office.
3. Submit Forms
Forms are available on the DeCal Resources web page.
4. Physics Department Form
Please download and complete the Physics DeCal requirement form. Proposals without this form will not be considered.