The preliminary examinations will be held on the following dates (all dates are subject to change):
Fall 2024 Preliminary Exam Dates
Saturday, August 24
Classical Mechanics
Sunday, August 25
Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Saturday, August 31
E&M, Optics, and Special Relativity
Sunday, September 1
Quantum Mechanics
Spring 2025 Preliminary Exam Dates
Saturday, January 18
Subject Area TBD
Sunday, January 19
Subject Area TBD
Saturday, January 25
Subject Area TBD
Sunday, January 26
Subject Area TBD
The preliminary exam is a closed-book written examination, divided into four sections, three hours for each section: (1) classical mechanics, (2) electromagnetism and optics, and special relativity, (3) thermodynamics and statistical physics, and (4) quantum mechanics. All sections of the exam are administered twice a year on two successive weekends at the beginning of each semester. Note that these divisions do not preclude the possibility of questions on one section that draw from subject material emphasized in a different section. (e.g. a question that touches on thermodynamics in the quantum mechanics section.)
Entering students are expected to take all four sections of this exam in their first year, and they are encouraged to take all four sections in their first semester. Expectation is that all students will pass all sections of their preliminary exam by the end of their third semester.
If a student is not planning to take any one of their prelim exams their first semester, they should meet with their graduate mentor to either confirm they will take it their second semester or make a plan for meeting the requirement, such as enrolling in the associated undergraduate course prior to taking the exam again.
It is recommended that students review and study the problems shared from the Problem Bank before taking the exams. If a student is unsure of their level of preparation, they can use the prelim-bank problems as a method of self-assessment.
View the preliminary exam problem bank instructions and archive (Berkeley login required).
Department Policy on Preliminary Exams