Audio-Visual Services

Audio Visual Services

The Physics lecture demonstration staff provide audio-visual equipment and services for the convenience of Physics faculty, staff, and graduate students running events within Physics North, Physics South, and Birge Halls. Additional services are available campus-wide by Media Services. 

Classes in Physics North Lecture Halls 1-4

We provide equipment, including setup, takedown, and assistance to classes including Physics 10, 5A-B-C, H7A-B-C, and Physics 8A-B. Videotaping of special events can be arranged by request. Equipment available for these lecture halls includes:

  • wireless microphone
  • laser pointer
  • slide advancer
  • overhead projectors
  • video projector
  • 35 mm slide projector
  • VHS camcorder
  • VHS Video Cassette Recorder
  • Dell notebook computer
  • Apple PowerBook G3
  • laserdisc player
  • 16 mm movie projector
  • 8 mm movie projector

To request equipment, e-mail sends e-mail), call 642-3267, or stop by 72 Physics North during business hours. Personnel from other departments or units should contact Media Services(link is external) for any A-V needs.

Classes/Events in Other Physics North, Physics South, and Birge Classrooms

For events outside the main Physics North Lecture Halls, Physics faculty, staff, and graduate students may borrow equipment from the A-V closet (350 Physics North) or from 72 Physics North. Borrowers must sign out equipment and return it promptly after the event. The lecture demonstration staff is not available to deliver, set up, and operate the equipment for users outside the main lecture halls.

A-V Equipment from Room 366 Physics North:

This is a self-service facility with a projector, conference phone, and extension cords. Please sign out any equipment using the sign-out sheet located next to the copy machine and return the equipment right after your event. Report any problems to Lecture Demo staff ( sends e-mail), 642-3267).

A-V Equipment from Room 72 Physics North:

Physics personnel may borrow A-V equipment from the lecture demonstration staff in 72 Physics North during business hours. To assure availability, reserve equipment in advance by contacting Roberto Barrueto or James Little at 642-3267, by email ( sends e-mail)) or in person. Make arrangements to return the equipment early the next morning for any event that ends after 72 Physics North closes. Items available to borrow from 72 Physics North include:

  • overhead projector
  • VHS Video Cass Recorder
  • Apple PowerBook G3*
  • 35 mm slide projector
  • portable video projector*
  • 16 mm movie projector
  • Dell notebook computer*
  • 8 mm movie projector
  • Wired and Wireless Microphones*
  • Document Camera*

 *Class use has priority over administrative and research use for these items.

A-V Equipment In Conference rooms:

All conference rooms have an AV file cabinet with all necessary connectors and cables for the equipment in that room.

For Events Outside of Physics North, Physics South, and Birge Halls

Media Services(link is external) provides A-V equipment and services across campus. Many lecture halls have extensive equipment built-in or accessible by a key that Media Services can provide. Some large physics lectures meet in Pimentel, for which Media Services provides A-V equipment and staff. They also loan equipment from their office in 117 Dwinelle Inside AIS. Equipment for classes is provided free of charge, but other events, such as research seminars and special evening lectures, incur fees.