
Professor Yury Kolomensky in the lab with postdoc
Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Christopher McKee Professor Emeritus Faculty


Daniel McKinsey Professor, The Georgia Lee Distinguished Professor of Physics Faculty

Particle Physics

Michael McManus Graduate Student
Emlen Metz Post Doc


Aaron S. Meyer Post Doc
Gregory Meyer Graduate Student
Joelle Miles Lead Graduate Advisor Staff
Marius Millea Post Doc
Bradley Mitchell Graduate Student
Avirukt Mittal Graduate Student
Masamichi Miyaji Post Doc
Neel Modi Graduate Student
Serah Moldovsky Graduate Student
Madeline Monroy Graduate Student
Joel Moore Professor Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Nathaniel Morrison Graduate Student
Sara L. Mouradian Post Doc
Forrest Mozer Professor Emeritus Faculty


Holger Mueller Professor Faculty

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Biophysics

Richard Muller Professor Emeritus Faculty


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