
Professor Yury Kolomensky in the lab with postdoc
Name Job title Department Role Research interests
James Mulligan Post Doc

Nuclear Physics

Vadim Munirov Post Doc

Astrophysics, Plasma And NonLinear Dynamics

Alberto Munoz Alonso Post Doc
Esperanza Munoz-Riddle Building Manager Staff
Hitoshi Murayama Professor, Former Director, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU), University of Tokyo Faculty

Particle Physics

Chitraang Murdia Graduate Student
Ilyoun Na Graduate Student
Vikram Nagarajan Graduate Student
Mit Hemantkumar Naik Post Doc
Ravi Naik Post Doc
Elizabeth Nakahama Front Office Manager Staff
LaVern Navarro Grant Assistant Staff
Jeffrey Neaton Professor Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Ho Nam Nguyen Graduate Student
Mavis Njoo-Lau Director of Finance & Operations Staff
Yasunori Nomura Professor, Director, Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics Faculty

Particle Physics

Jiseop Oh Post Doc
Ibles Olcina Samblas Postdoctoral Researcher Post Doc

Particle Physics

Christopher Olund Graduate Student
Joseph Orenstein Professor Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

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