
Professor Yury Kolomensky in the lab with postdoc
Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Eric Betzig Professor Faculty


Prabudhya Bhattacharyya Graduate Student
Andreas Biekert Graduate Student
Marcus Bintz Graduate Student
Robert Birgeneau Arnold and Barbara Silverman Distinguished Professor of Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, and Public Policy, Chancellor Emeritus Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Maxwell Block Graduate Student
Elizabeth Noelle Blose Graduate Student
Vanessa M. Boehm Post Doc
Catherine Bordel Continuing Lecturer Lecturer
Raphael Bousso Professor and The Chancellor's Chair in Physics Faculty

Particle Physics, Astrophysics

Jonathan Bradford Principal Lab Mechanician Staff
Raúl Briceño Assistant Professor Faculty

Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics

Charles D. Brown Post Doc
Joseph Broz Graduate Student
Dmitry Budker Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School Faculty

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Particle Physics, ...

Terrence Buehler Continuing Lecturer Lecturer
Juan Camilo Buitrago Casas Graduate Student
Carlos Bustamante Physics Storeroom Assistant Staff
Carlos Bustamante Professor Faculty


Reginald Caginalp Graduate Student

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