
Professor Yury Kolomensky in the lab with postdoc
Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Hugo Cangussu Marrochio Post Doc
Yuan Cao Assistant Professor Faculty
Nicole Alexis Carll Student Assistant Staff
Ariana Castro Lead Graduate Advisor Staff
Chia Cheng Chang Post Doc
Shao-Wen Chang Graduate Student
Andrew Charman Lecturer Lecturer
Shubhayu Chatterjee Post Doc
Swapan Chattopadhyay (Chaterji) Lecturer
Jyong Hao Chen Post Doc
Larry Chen Graduate Student
Lebing Chen Post Doc
Shi-Fan Stephen Chen Graduate Student
Enze Cheng Graduate Student
Newton Cheng Graduate Student
Sabrina Chern Graduate Student
Ka Hei Kolen Cheung Graduate Student
Chien-I Chiang Unit 18 Lecturer Lecturer
William Chinowsky Professor Emeritus Faculty


Trevor Chistolini Graduate Student

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