Fall 2021 Colloquia Schedule

Fall 2021 Colloquia Schedule
December 8, 2021
Monday, September 20, 2021 to Monday, November 29, 2021

The Physics Department hosts weekly colloquia presented by accomplished scientists from all over the globe. These lectures showcase cutting-edge physics and inspire the broader community to participate in science. Please join us on the Mondays listed below for an inside look at what's new and exciting in physics, and beyond. All lectures start at 4:15 PM (with the exception of the Department Welcome) and end around 5:15 PM. They are free and open to the public.

PLEASE NOTE: Zoom links will be posted on the day of each event.

September 6


September 13, 2021

2021 Department Welcome
Presented by Chair James Analytis
This event starts at 4:00 pm 

September 20

Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz, University of California, Santa Cruz
Cosmic alchemy in the era of gravitational wave astronomy 

September 27

Alex Frano, University of California, San Diego
Characterizing mesoscopic antiferromagnetic domains in the dilute limit with coherent x-ray diffraction

October 4

Lydia Sohn, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Node-Pore Sensing: How a (Humble) Four-Terminal Measurement Can Measure the Mechanical Properties of Single Cells 

October 11

Heather Gray, University of California, Berkeley
The Art of the Impossible: Probing Challenging Higgs Channels at the LHC 

October 18

David Golghaber-Gordon, Stanford University
Can a solid-state quantum simulator help us understand materials? 

October 25

Antoine Browaeys, Institut d’Optique
Many-body physics with arrays of individual atoms and optical dipoles

November 1

Paul Chaikin, NYU
Random Close Packing as a Dynamical Phase Transition: Jamming, Hyperuniformity and Photonics

November 8

Matt Pyle, University of California, Berkeley
Exploring the Unexplored: Searching for Dark Matter in the mass range from 10meV-1GeV 

November 15

Colette Patt, University of California, Berkeley
What must change for things not to stay the same? 

November 22

Michael Zaletel, University of California, Berkeley
Electrically charged skyrmions and superconductivity

November 29

Netta Englehardt, MIT
The Black Hole Information Paradox in the Age of Holographic Entanglement Entropy