Markus Hohle

Job title: 

Courses Taught

Physics 77/88 Introduction to Computational Techniques in Physics (Fall ‘24)
CHEM 277B – Machine Learning Algorithms (Spring ‘25)
CHEM 283 – MSSE Capstone Project Course (Spring ‘25)

I studied Theoretical Physics in Jena, Germany and did my PhD at the MPE in Garching within the SFB "Gravitational Wave Astronomy".

After two years as Post-Doc in Jena, I moved to Munich and worked for eleven years as a lecturer in the field of quantitative life science at the Gene Center at LMU Munich. During that time, I taught programming courses and ML algorithms for PhD students from life science, physics and computer science.

Since August 2024 I am teaching courses such as Computational Techniques in Physics or Machine Learning Algorithms at UC Berkeley.

Research Interests

I work as a part-time data analysis consultant for various companies and German governmental institutions.


Ice thickness monitoring for cryo-EM grids by interferometry imaging; M. M. Hohle et al, 2022NatSR..1215330H

The Vela Pulsar with an Active Fallback Disk, Özsükan, Gökçe et al, 2014ApJ...796...46O

Narrow absorption features in the co-added XMM-Newton RGS spectra of isolated neutron stars; M. M. Hohle et al, 2012MNRAS.419.1525H

A catalogue of young runaway Hipparcos stars within 3 kpc from the Sun; Tetzlaff, N.; Neuhäuser, R.; Hohle, M. M., 2011MNRAS.410..190T

Mass Ejection by Strange Star Mergers and Observational Implications; Bauswein, A. et al, 2009PhRvL.103a1101B
