Embarking on a New Era of Discovery: LHC, Dark Matter, and their interplay


Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, April 29th - May 1st, 2011


The Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics will host a mini-workshop on the connections between Dark Matter and Collider Physics. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers to discuss recent exciting developments in these fields which may arise during this year. Particular attention will be devoted to ensuring an informal atmosphere with plenty of time for discussions.

This workshop is inserted in the active scientific program of the BCTP, featuring a large flux of visitors across the year, contributing to the lively environment of the Center. This year Professor Petr Horava will succeed Professor Lawrence Hall as the Director of the Center and this workshop will also be an opportunity to thank Lawrence for his outstanding work as BCTP Director.

Location and time:

The workshop will be taking place over a period of two and half days on the last weekend of April 2011. The venue will be the 4th floor of Old LeConte building, home of the Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, on the Campus of the University of California at Berkeley.


LaVern Navarro
Office: 420G Old LeConte
Email: lavernn@berkeley.edu
Phone: (510)642-2304

The Organizing Committee