Introduction to Quantum Electronics and Nonlinear Optics

Course Description

This 4-unit course is devoted to a review of basics and some of the exciting developments in the vast and rapidly evolving field of quantum electronics and nonlinear optics. Discussion of physical pictures and "back of the envelope" estimates will take precedence over formal derivations wherever possible. There are no prerequisites for enrollment. Undergraduates familiar with the basics of electrodynamics and quantum mechanics are welcome. The topics will include:

  • Nonlinear susceptibilities, wave propagation in nonlinear media, electrooptical and magnetooptical effects, linear and nonlinear Faraday rotation. (3 lectures)
  • Acoustooptics. (1)
  • Gaussian optics, optical resonators. (2)
  • Laser dynamics: modelocking, Q-switching. Ultrashort pulses. (2)
  • Description of some important laser systems. (3)
  • Harmonic generation, sum and difference frequency generation, phase matching, quasi-phase matching. (2)
  • Parametric oscillation. (1)
  • Superradiance, photon echoes, self-induced transparency. (2)
  • Coherence and fluctuations in quantum optics, squeezed states of light. (2)
  • Raman and Brillouin scattering. (1)
  • High-resolution laser spectroscopy: two-photon and multiphoton processes, optical pumping, hole burning, saturation and polarization spectroscopy. (3)
  • Four-wave mixing, wavefront conjugation. (2)

Format: Two 1.5 hour lectures/discussions a week: MW 9:30 - 11, 430 Birge. Several sets of homework problems will be distributed during the semester. In the end of the course, students will be required to give oral presentations to the class on current research topics.


D. Budker.
Office: 219 Birge,
Labs: B217, 217, 221, 230 Birge,
tel. 643-1829
Office hour: M 11-12, 219 Birge.

Texts: There is no required text, however several texts are highly recommended:

  • Y. R. Shen. The Principles of Nonlinear Optics. Wiley.
  • A. Siegman. Lasers. University Science Books, c1986. UCB Physics QC688 .S561 1986 Reserve
  • Yariv. Quantum Electronics. Wiley.
  • Yariv and P. Yeh. Optical Waves in Crystals. Wiley.
  • R. Loudon. The quantum theory of light. 2nd ed. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York, Oxford University Press, 1983. UCB Physics QC446.2 .L68 1983 Reserve
  • N. V. Karlov. Lectures on quantum electronics. Moscow : Mir Publishers ; Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press, c1993. UCB Physics QC689 .K3713 1993
  • W. Demtroder. Laser spectroscopy : basic concepts and instrumentation. Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag.
  • L. D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz. Electrodynamics of continuous media. Pergamon.
  • UCB Physics QC661 .L2413 1984 Reserve; UCB Physics QC446.3.O67 Z45 1985
  • R. W. Boyd. Nonlinear optics. Boston : Academic Press, c1992.
  • UCB Physics QC446.2 .B69 1992

Many additional references will be suggested throughout the course.

Suggested topics for presentation (other suggestions are welcome):

  • Exciting nonlinear optics on the surface (a brief review).
  • Lasers with wavefront conjugating mirrors.
  • Testing QED with lasers.
  • Lasers without population inversion.
  • Gamma-lasers (grasers).
  • Natural lasers.
  • Solitons in lasers and nonlinear optics.
  • Colliding pulse lasers.
  • Laser gyroscopes.
  • Excimer lasers.
  • Ti-Sapphire lasers.
  • Fiber lasers.

Recommended Reading on Squeezed States

  • G. Leuchs, Contemp. Phys. 29(3), 299 (1988).

A pictorial introduction to the field of non-classical light. A good place to start.

  • R. Loudon and P. L. Knight, J. Mod. Optics, 34(6/7), 709 (1987).

A great theoretical introduction. Also, check out other articles in this Special Issue devoted to squeezing.

  • JOSA B, 4(10), October 1987.

This is also a Special Issue devoted to squeezing. It contains the following articles (and many others):

R. E. Slusher et al , Squeezed-light generation by four-wave mixing near an atomic resonance. It describes an improved version of the experiment in which squeezing was observed for the first time.

Ling-An Wu et al, Squeezed states of light from an optical parametric oscillator.

  • Carlton M. Caves, Quantum-mechanical noise in an interferometer, Phys. Rev. D 23(8), 1693 (1981).

The famous paper introducing the concept of vacuum noise entering the unused port of a beamsplitter and pointing out a possibility in principle to beat the shot-noise limit in an interferometer by using squeezed light. Also discusses ways to generate squeezed states in practice.

  • Try searching the INSPEC database (e.g. on MELVYL) with the key-word Squeezed. This gives a good idea of how hot and diverse the field is. Happy surfing!