D. Budker: Atomic and diamond magnetometry in the lab, in the field, and in the sky (Lockheed Martin colloquium, Palo Alto, March 24, 2011)
D. Budker: Observation of a large atomic parity violation effect in Yb (the 4th PAVI meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine, June 22-26, 2009)
B. Patton: Atomic Physics in the Shadow of the Giant Corpse Flower (UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, March 17, 2009)
D. Budker: Atomic Parity Violation Experiments at Berkeley (International Conference on Particles And Nuclei (PANIC08), Eilat, Israel, 9-14 November 2008)
D. Budker: Magnetometry with warm paramagnetic atoms (nEDM collaboration meeting, February 9, 2008)
D. Budker: Status of the atomic parity-violation experiment with Ytterbium (INT Workshop, September 21, 2007)
D. Budker: Preliminary investigations into a possibility of a sensitive search for a Schiff moment of 207Pb in a ferroelectric solid (INT Workshop, September 21, 2007)
D. Budker: Photons in a permutation anti-symmetric state? What would a quantum-statistic violation mean? (2007 Inaugural FQXi Conference, Iceland, July 2007)
D. Budker: Search for parity violation in Yb (2007)
K. Tsigutkin: Prospects of Atomic Parity-Violation Experiments (JLAB Electroweak Workshop, December 2006)
D. Budker: Searching for temporal variation of the fine-structure "constant" in radio-frequency transitions in Dy (INT workshop, April 27, 2007)
E. Corsini: Field operation of a nonlinear magneto-optical rotation magnetometer (Physics 250 presentation, April 2007)
D. Budker: Searches for Permanent Electric Dipole Moments (EDM) of Atoms, Molecules, and the Neutron (Physics 290E Particle Physics Seminar, LBNL, Oct. 1, 2003)
Overview of our group's research given to the Physics 251 (Introduction to Research) class on August 30, 2004