Meetings & Talks

Meetings of interest

Talks by group members and guests

  • D. Budker: Well Grounded (?) Cosmic Adventures (ICTP Workshop on Frontiers of New Physics: Colliders and Beyond, Trieste, June 2014)
  • D. Budker: EDM, Axions, Axion-Like Particles, and the Dark Side  (PCPV, India, February 2013)
  • D. Budker: A tribute to Prof. Norman F. Ramsey (PCPV, India, February 2013)
  • D. Budker: Making sense(or) of NV ensembles in diamond (QDIAMOND12, South Africa, December 2012)
  • D. Budker: Magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond (CNRS Fall School 2012, High Sensitivity Magnetometers, "Sensors & Applications")
  • D. Budker: Exotic-physics tests with atoms and antiatoms (EMMI-FLAIR Workshop, GSI 2012)
  • D. Budker: Neutron EDM (PAVI 2011)
  • D. Budker: Anapole moment in Yb (PAVI 2011)
  • D. Budker: Atomic and diamond magnetometry in the lab, in the field, and in the sky (Lockheed Martin colloquium, Palo Alto, March 24, 2011)   
  • D. Budker: Observation of a large atomic parity violation effect in Yb (the 4th PAVI meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine, June 22-26, 2009)
  • B. Patton: Atomic Physics in the Shadow of the Giant Corpse Flower (UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, March 17, 2009)
  • D. Budker: Atomic Parity Violation Experiments at Berkeley (International Conference on Particles And Nuclei (PANIC08), Eilat, Israel, 9-14 November 2008)
  • D. Budker: Atomic parity violation in ytterbium  (Heidelberg Workshop on P and T Violation at Low Energies and Related Phenomena, June 2008)
  • D. Budker: Magnetometry with warm paramagnetic atoms (nEDM collaboration meeting, February 9, 2008)
  • D. Budker:  Status of the atomic parity-violation experiment with Ytterbium (INT Workshop, September 21, 2007)
  • D. Budker:  Preliminary investigations into a possibility of a sensitive search for a Schiff moment of 207Pb in a ferroelectric solid (INT Workshop, September 21, 2007)
  • D. Budker: Photons in a permutation anti-symmetric state? What would a quantum-statistic violation mean? (2007 Inaugural FQXi Conference, Iceland, July 2007)
  • D. Budker: Search for parity violation in Yb (2007)
  • K. Tsigutkin: Prospects of Atomic Parity-Violation Experiments (JLAB Electroweak Workshop, December 2006)
  • D. Budker: Searching for temporal variation of the fine-structure "constant" in radio-frequency transitions in Dy (INT workshop, April 27, 2007)
  • E. Corsini: Field operation of a nonlinear magneto-optical rotation magnetometer (Physics 250 presentation, April 2007)
  • M. G. Kozlov: Nuclear Anapole Moment (guest lecture for Physics 250, May 2006)
  • M. G. Kozlov: Studying fundamental symmetries with atoms and molecules (February 2005)
  • D. Budker: Searches for Permanent Electric Dipole Moments (EDM) of Atoms, Molecules, and the Neutron (Physics 290E Particle Physics Seminar, LBNL, Oct. 1, 2003)
  • Overview of our group's research given to the Physics 251 (Introduction to Research) class on August 30, 2004