Topics in Optical Spintronics
When and where:Wednesdays 4-6 pm, 2 EVANS
Format: One 2-hr lecture/seminar session per week (student participation strongly encouraged), bi-weekly homework assignments
Instructor: Professor Dmitry Budker
- Office: 273 Birge, Labs: 203/207, 217, 219, 221, 230, 241, 245, 249 Birge
- e-mail: budker AT sends e-mail)
- research group web page
Professor's Office hour: by appointment (send e-mail to setup), 273 Birge
Synopsis and goals of the course:
The course will explore modern ways of manipulating and probing spins with light. The main spin system that we will explore is the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) color center in diamond, which has been a focus of much recent attention because of a combination of its unique properties, opening possibilities of exciting applications. One such application is measuring magnetic fields with an unprecedented combination of sensitivity and spatial resolution. At the extreme, measuring the state of a single nuclear spin by sensing its magnetic field has already been achieved! In this course, the students will learn the basics of laser spectroscopy of solids, the principles of optical magnetometry (not only with diamond, but also with "warm" atoms and ultracold gases), and many general aspects of the physics of spins (spintronics). As a culmination of the course, we will discuss how optical magnetometers are used in a new kind of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy that does not require any magnets.
Required text: none
Recommended texts:
- Optical Properties of Solids(link is external) by M. Fox
- Atomic Physics(link is external) by D. Budker, D. F. Kimball and D. Demille
- Optically Polarized Atoms(link is external) by M. Auzinsh, D. Budker, and S. M. Rochester
- Single-photon Devices and Applications(link is external) by C. Santori, D. Fattal, and Y. Yamamoto
- Molecular Quantum Mechanics(link is external) by P. Atkins and R. Friedman (Chapter 5: Group Theory)
Grading policy: the grade will be based on the homework, participation, and oral presentation in class
Invaluable resource: questions on organizational aspects of the course may be directed to Ms. Claudia Trujillo(link sends e-mail) of Physics Student Services
Find out about the most recent Nobel Prizes(link is external) in Physics!
Lecture Notes, Electronic Tutorials
- Physics H190 Spring 2011 Selected Lecture Notes are now on bspace
Assorted Physics-Related Links, Web Resources
- Budker group web tutorials
- Physics137A: Quantum Mechanics
- Physics124: Introductory Nuclear Physics
- Physics 250: Selected hot, cool, and ultracold topics in modern atomic physics(link is external)
- Web Elements Periodic Table(link is external)
- Nuclear Science Division, LBNL(link is external)
- Particle Data Group (PDG)(link is external)
- Radioactivity and radiation protection (from PDG) (PDF file)(link is external) (pdf)
- Some links that may help you with mathematics(link is external)
- Homework set # (PDF file)(link is external)1, due Feb. 02
- Homework set # (PDF file)(link is external)2, due Feb. 16
- Homework set # (PDF file)(link is external)3, due March 02
Oral-presentation topics
- Single-photon sources based on NV-diamond (PDF file)(link is external) by Pauli Kehayias
- Raman-excited spin coherences in NV centers in diamond (PPT file)(link is external) by Maria Simanovskaia
- Application of Fluorescent Nanodiamonds to Biological Imaging (PPT file)(link is external) by Joseph Magliocco
- Diamonds in particle detectors (PDF file)(link is external) by Thibaut Mueller
- Color centers in SiC (PPTX file)(link is external) by Daniel Maser
- Strain studies in diamond NV centers (PDF file)(link is external) by Lucas Zipp
- Quantum information and the NV centers in diamond (PDF file)(link is external) by Zlatko Minev and Nate Earnest
- Spin readout with superconducting circuits (PPTX file)(link is external) by Natania Antler
- Quantum Hall Effect (PPT file)(link is external) by Hsinzon Tsai and Raymond Co
- NMR with singlet states
- Spintronics and graphene
- Quasicrystals with five-fold symmetry
- Raman spectra of pure diamond (first- and second-order)
- Suggest your own
Acknowledgment and Disclaimer: This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).