Superpositions of eigenstates

The wavefunctions above are eigenfunctions, so their probability density plots are independent of time. This is not the case for a superposition of eigenstates.

Example 1: example 1

Here is the simplest case of a superposition of eigenstates--equal parts of  example 1 and example 1

image 35

example 1 movie

Question: Can you calculate the period of oscillation?

Example 2: Gaussian wave packet

It is intereresting to make a connection with the classical case.To do this, consider a Gaussian wave packet.

We choose a Gaussian wave function because
(1) It is localized in space
(2) In free space, a Gaussian wave function travels without changing shape

Part 1:

This wavefunction, at t = 0, has width 1/10 (in units of a) and is localized at the center of the well.


In order to calculate the dynamics, we need to write this wave function as a superposition equation of eigenstates of the well. The coefficients coefficients are given by

complex conjugate

Here are the magnitudes of the first 25 coefficients--as we can see from the plot, 25 is all we need.



Question:Why is every other coefficient zero?

Thus, we can write


Since we know the time dependencies of the dependencies, we know the time dependence of time dependence.
Can you predict what will happen?

example 2 movie

The wave packet has no net momentum net momentum, thus, the center of the wave packet does not move. However, since we know the approximate position of the packet at t = 0, by the uncertainty principle, there must be a spread spread) in the momentum. Thus the packet spreads out, although it eventually reforms. (This is known in the lingo as "collapse and revival.")

Question:What is the period of oscillation in this case?

For the wave packet to go somewhere, it needs to have intial momentum. Let's add some...

Part 2:

We'll give the wave packet an initial "kick" of momentum momentum.

initial kick

We calculate the coefficients as before:




Question:Explain why the magnitudes of the coefficients cn peak where they do?
(Hint: using the eigenenergy eigenenergy, calculate a charactaristic momentum associated with this state)

incoming parts of the wave packet near the walls

Example 2 part 1 movie

Here's one with smaller momentum

Here's one with smaller momentum