01/03/21 CIQC Introduction

Realizing the quantum computer is THE scientific challenge of our time. Like previous grand scientific challenges, such as, for example, the human genome project or the direct detection of gravitational waves, quantum computing represents a radical advance in our ability to probe and understand nature. And yet the impact of quantum computing stands out as even greater than other recent grand challenges. We observe that the classical computer now stands as the most powerful scientific tool; for example, it underpins genomics, the detection and interpretation of gravity wave signals, and every other scientific endeavor. If we can potentially revolutionize computing itself, then we revolutionize all scientific efforts in the future.

A future that includes large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computing beckons strongly. As an academic institute, the CIQC takes on the task of future proofing: ensuring that this future comes about, and also looking forward to foresee future challenges to the realization of quantum computing. We meet this task through intensive collaborative research that crosses multiple disciplines, such as chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics, materials science, and physics; through a powerful range of education and workforce development; through diligent coordination of research, not just within our Institute but also across all sectors of quantum science and technology; and through strong partnerships, particularly with the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing (Berkeley) and the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (UCLA).

Join us! Collaborate with us! Learn with us! Onward to the quantum computer!