Challenge Institute for Quantum Computation

Addressing the fundamental challenges to the development of the quantum computer.

What We Do

Our multidisciplinary team of mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, chemists and electrical engineers address the fundamental challenges to the development of the quantum computer. While our theorists invent new quantum algorithms and optimize them, our experimentalists build and develop novel hardware supporting these applications. To increase impact, CIQC partners with the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing and the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics.

A major focus of CIQC is to support graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in their growth as independent scientists, and to develop the future workforce for the quantum industry with a Masters of Quantum Science and Technology.

06/17/24 Annual Meeting/NSF Site Visit 2024

This year's annual meeting was held in-person combined with the NSF site visit on the UC Berkeley campus. The two day event was highly successful and well received by participants, as we focused on collaboration and creating conversation opportunities throughout.

The conference encompassed presentations, breakout discussion sessions, and posters on the first and second day.

02/29/24 CIQC Winter School Concludes

The CIQC / AMAQIS Winter School has concluded and was reported to be a success by participants.

Here are the links to the IPAM lectures :

Wes Campbell - Introduction to Quantum Information Science

Lecture 1 Video

Lecture 2 Video

Anna Krylov - Classical Quantum Chemistry for QIS...

01/26/24 Register for the 2024 Chicago Quantum Recruiting Forum!

Friday, January 26, 2024

The annual Chicago Quantum Recruiting Forum brings together the rising generation of quantum scientists and engineers with employers and educators for an event aimed at catalyzing careers. This forum is an outstanding opportunity for students and trainees who are interested in pursuing quantum information through physics, computing, or engineering. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with one another as well as leaders in the field and explore quantum careers and academic pathways through an experiential immersion in quantum innovation.


5/31/24 Quantum Gathering - Siyuan Niu

Friday, May 31, 2024 3:30 - 4:30 pm 131 Campbell Hall

Please join us for this week's Quantum Gathering this Friday, 5/31. Dr. Siyuan Niu, who is a postdoctoral scholar at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, will give a 20 minute spark talk entitled "Quantum circuit resizing for resource optimization.” The spark talk will be in Campbell 131 at 3:30 pm. After the talk we will continue with Mediterranean platters on the terrace.

5/17/24 Quantum Gathering - Bart Andrews

Friday, May 17, 2024 3:30 - 4:30 pm 131 Campbell Hall

Please join us for this week's Quantum Gathering Friday, 5/17. Dr. Bart Andrews, who is an SNSF Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley working with Mike Zaletel and Rahul Roy on tensor network...

5/1/24 AMO/QI Seminar Michael Mills Quantinuum

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 11 am - 12 pm 375 Physics North

Please join us for the final AMO/QI seminar of the semester featuring Dr. Michael Mills of Quantinuum. He will be giving a talk titled: Benchmarking a racetrack trapped-ion quantum processor

The System Model H2, a quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) trapped-ion system with a new racetrack-shaped trap, is Quantinuum's latest generation of quantum computers. The new system successfully incorporates several...

AMO/QI Seminars

The Atomic Molecular and Optical physics (AMO) and Quantum Information (QI) seminar series at UC Berkeley aims to cover both scientific fields (AMO and QI) quite broadly, covering topics in physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and other disciplines with relevance to the field. Similarly, this seminar series is intended to serve not only the AMO and QIS communities in the UC Berkeley Physics Department, but also others in our department, in other departments of the University, and our colleagues at the nearby Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Their presence at and input...

IPAM Research in Industrial Projects (RIPS)

The Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) Programs provide an opportunity for talented undergraduate students to work in teams on real-world research projects proposed by sponsors from industry or the public sector. Each student team, with support from their academic mentor and industry mentor, will research the problem and present the results, both orally and in writing, at the end of the program. Subsequent to the RIPS program, some student teams choose to...

Quantum Computing @ Berkeley

The CIQC proudly sponsors the UC Berkeley Undergraduate Quantum Club, also known as Quantum Computing at Berkeley. The club welcomes members from all disciplines and anyone who is interested in engaging with the Quantum community. They foster connections among students, and provide opportunities for collaborations on campus as well as with industry. To learn more about their activities and how to connect, please visit their website

Quantum Gatherings

When: Fridays 3:30 -5:00 pm Where: Campbell 131

The CIQC’s weekly Quantum Gatherings are an opportunity for CIQC members to build connections and spark discussions between different fields of research. The gathering is held every Friday at 3:30 pm in Campbell 131, starting with a 20 minute Spark Talk on quantum-related topics, and then followed by food and beverages on the patio.

Note: During Summer 2024, Quantum Gatherings will occur every other Friday.

To get email reminders for the Quantum Gatherings, join our...



For inquiries and exciting news:

Challenge Institute for Quantum Computation

101 Campbell Hall
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3411