The Challenge Institute for Quantum Computation (CIQC) is looking to hire excellent people for two open positions: (1) executive director, and (2) scientific communications and community building. Both positions will be based at UC Berkeley and both are in-person (remote work doesn’t make sense for building community and communicating effectively).
(1) For the executive director, we are looking for a person with excellent planning, administrative, communication, and management skills, and, most preferably, a background in quantum science and technology. This leader will interact directly with the Institute Director and leadership team, developing ideas together and empowering us to deliver on Institute initiatives. Domain knowledge is a huge help, giving the ED insight on how to communicate across the Institute, how the different parts of the Institute differ and how to make them work effectively together, how to maneuver the Institute within a constantly changing landscape of QIS, how to connect effectively with campus-level quantum initiatives, and so on. A job ad for the Institute Executive Director can be found here: (LinkedIn posting).
(2) For the scientific communications and community building position, we are looking for somebody who wants to create an intellectually effervescent scientific community. Domain knowledge is again highly preferred. We imagine here a person trained in quantum science/engineering who wants to build a community and coordinate research, education, and outreach activities, perhaps a person who might be looking at science communications, scientific program management, science policy, or some other scientific community engagement down the line. One important function for this person will be creating events/activities that build affiliation and participation, enhance scientific training, promote interactions among scientists within and across fields, and, ultimately, lead to scientific creativity and breakthroughs. This person will be charged with scientific communications broadly, including developing effective ways to communicate across the Institute, finding compelling ways to highlight research accomplishments of the CIQC, and spreading word about the CIQC generally through our website, email, newsletters, social media, and so on. You can view the job posting on