06/15/23 IPAM Fall 2023 Long Program on Mathematics and Quantum Computing

The CIQC has partnered with the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) to hold a “Long Program” on the topic of Mathematical and Computational Challenges in Quantum Computing. This program combines in-residence research stays at IPAM, right on the UCLA campus, together with an exciting tutorial to open the program and dedicated workshops during the programs. The program takes place during the Fall 2023 term, September 11 - December 15.

We strongly encourage all CIQC members to consider attending the IPAM program! It would be terrific if you could spend some significant time there, say a couple of weeks. You’ll find yourself immersed in a productive scientific Shangri-La! Please contact the IPAM staff for help scheduling such a stay, making necessary arrangements, and obtaining support.

Not convinced yet? Then check out this YouTube video inviting you to the program:


Many thanks to the many CIQC’ers who are co-organizing the program, coming to IPAM, participating in workshops, and so on. Thanks also to the terrific leadership at IPAM.