2023 Publications
"Exploring the Limits of Ultracold Atoms in Space." Thompson, Robert J., David C. Aveline, Sheng-Wey Chiow, Ethan R. Elliott, James R. Kellogg, James M. Kohel, Matteo S. Sbroscia, C. Schneider, Jason R. Williams, Nathan Lundblad, Cass A. Sackett, Dan Stamper-Kurn, and I. Woerner.
Quantum Science and Technology 8, no. 2 (February). https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.11548
"Emergent Quantum State Designs from Individual Many-Body Wave Functions." Cotler, Jordan S., Daniel K. Mark, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Felipe Hernández, Joonhee Choi, Adam L. Shaw, Manuel Endres, and Soonwon Choi.
PRX Quantum 4, no. 1 (January): 010311. https://doi.org/10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.010311.
"Non-Uniformity and Quantum Advice in the Quantum Random Oracle Model." Liu, Qipeng.
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2023. EUROCRYPT 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14004, (April). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30545-0_5.
"Depth-Bounded Quantum Cryptography with Applications to One-Time Memory and More." Liu, Qipeng.
14th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2023), (January): 82:1-82:18. https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.ITCS.2023.82.
"Quantum Simulation of Weak-Field Light-Matter Interactions." Young, Steve M., Hartmut Häffner, and Mohan Sarovar.
Physical Review Research 5, no. 1 (January): 013027. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.07177
"Preparing Random States and Benchmarking with Many-Body Quantum Chaos." Choi, Joonhee, Adam L. Shaw, Ivaylo S. Madjarov, Xin Xie, Ran Finkelstein, Jacob P. Covey, Jordan S. Cotler, Daniel K. Mark, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Anant Kale, Hannes Pichler, Fernando G.S.L. Brandão, Soonwon Choi, and Manuel Endres.
Nature 613, (January): 468-473. https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.03535
"Time-Marching Based Quantum Solvers for Time-Dependent Linear Differential Equations." Fang, Di, Lin Lin, and Yu Tong.
Quantum 7, (March): 955. https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.06941
"Observable Error Bounds of the Time-Splitting Scheme for Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics." Fang, Di, and Albert Tres Vilanova.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 61, no. 1 (January): 26-44. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08245
"Single-Spin Readout and Quantum Sensing Using Optomechanically Induced Transparency." Koppenhöfer, Martin, Carl Padgett, Jeffrey V. Cady, Viraj Dharod, Hyunseok Oh, Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich, and Aashish A. Clerk.
Physical Review Letters 130, no. 9 (March): 093603. https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.01481
"Photon Scattering Errors during Stimulated Raman Transitions in Trapped-Ion Qubits." Moore, I. Daniel, Wesley C. Campbell, Eric R. Hudson, Matt J. Boguslawski, David J. Wineland, and David T.C. Allcock.
Physical Review A 107, no. 9 (March): 032413. https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.00744
"Exploiting Disorder to Probe Spin and Energy Hydrodynamics." Peng, Pai, Bingtian Ye, Norman Y. Yao, and Paola Cappellaro.
Nature Physics, (April). https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.09322
"Discrete Bulk Reconstruction." Aaronson, Scott, and Jason Pollack.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, (April): 37. https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.15601