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Atomic collapse is an intrinsically relativistic phenomenon that occurs when enough charge (i.e., Z > Zc) is concentrated at one location to make the Coulomb potential strong enough to cause electrons to spiral down to the center of the potential well1,2,3 (sort of like an electronic black hole). (For a description of the Crommie group’s observation of atomic collapse for single-impurity Coulomb potentials please look here. The Crommie group has also explored the less well-understood (but more physically common) case where charge centers are distributed over a wide area in space.4 This situation is surprisingly similar to the gravitational lensing of light seen in astronomical observations of large, cosmological mass distributions.5 The electrons of graphene play the role of light here since they have a linear dispersion relation similar to light (except they are slower: vF = c/300). The Coulomb potential of a charged impurity in graphene plays the role of the gravity well of a star -- charged impurities scattered throughout graphene are thus analogous to stars scattered throughout space. The semiclassical motion of electrons near a cluster of charged impurities in graphene is formally analogous to the motion of photons in the vicinity of a star cluster. If the charged impurities in graphene are each subcritical (Z < Zc) then this is equivalent to the case where none of the stars are black holes. On the other hand, if the total charge of all the charge centers exceeds the critical charge (Σi Zi > Zc) then this is analogous to the case where the extent of the mass distribution is close to the Schwarzchild radius.5 In this case an electron will follow a semiclassical trajectory where, in the far field, it collapses to the center of the charge distribution (Fig. 1a). Once “inside” the impurity cluster, however, the fall to the center is frustrated by the presence of subcritical impurities and the electron is scattered and meanders between impurities (Fig. 1b), similar to a trapped light beam (theory by V. Pereira and A. Tatan).