Open postdoc position at Qiu Group

RESEARCH | MEMBERS | PUBLICATIONS | Postdoc Opening Position 

*** Note: This position has been filled. This page will be updated in the future when new openings are available.

Offer Description

We are looking for one highly motivated Postdoctoral researcher working on spintronics and magnetic nanostructures in the group of Prof. Z. Q. Qiu at the physics department of University of California at Berkeley. This project aims to explore magnetic, topological, and spin transport properties in layered van der Waals materials and heterostructures. This is a one-year appointment (9/1/2024 to 8/31/2025) with the possibility of extension based on the course of the research.


The major responsibility includes preparation/growth of layered materials using Molecular Beam Epitaxy, preparation of heterostructure, structural characterization, and magnetic measurements using various techniques such as MOKE, FMR, ST-FMR, and X-rays, etc.


To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than one year prior to the application in Physics, Materials Science, or Electrical Engineering.

Application procedure

The application should be sent electronically to the contact (see below), and include:

  • CV, including a complete list of publications
  • References (1-3) that we can contact.


Prof. Z. Q. Qiu
Department of Physics
University of California at Berkeley