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Principle Investigator

Phone: (510) 643-3275
Miller Research Fellow, University of California Berkeley (Aug. 2005 – Jul. 2007)
Ph.D. Columbia University Oct. 2004
Postdoctural Researchers
- Wenyu Zhao, PhD (zhaowenyu@berkeley.edu)
- Zuocheng Zhang, PhD (zuochengzhang@berkeley.edu)
- Yoseob Yoon, PhD (yoonys@lbl.gov)
- Sudi Chen, PhD (sdchen@berkeley.edu), Heising-Simons Junior Fellow joint with Crommie Group and Lanzara Group
Graduate Students
- Shaoxin Wang (Physics, shaoxin_wang@berkeley.edu)
- Hongyuan Li (AST, hongyuan_li@berkeley.edu)
- Zheyu Lu, (AST, zheyulu@berkeley.edu)
- Ziyu Xiang (AST, zyxiang@berkeley.edu)
- Collin Sanborn, (AST, csanborn@berkeley.edu)
- Can Uzundal, (Chemistry, can_uzundal@berkeley.edu)
- Ruishi Qi, (Physics, ruishiqi@berkeley.edu)
- Jingxu Xie, (AST, jingxuxie@berkeley.edu)
- Qixin Feng, (Physics, qixin_feng@berkeley.edu)
- Haleem Kim, (Physics, haleem4644@berkeley.edu)
- Dishan Abeysinghe, (Physics, dishan_abeysinghe@berkeley.edu)
- Hyungbin Lim, (Physics, limhb1017@berkeley.edu)
- Jeffery Cui, (Physics, zhiyuancui@berkeley.edu)
- Jianghan Xiao, (AS&T, xiaojianghan19@berkeley.edu)
Visiting Scholars
Undergraduate Students
Former Group Members and Visitors
- Andrew Y. Joe, PhD (ayjoe@lbl.gov), now Assistant Professor at UC Riverside
- Emma Regan, PhD (AST, emma.regan@berkeley.edu)
- Seok Jae Yoo, PhD (seokjaeyoo@berkeley.edu), now at Inha Univeristy
- Danqing Wang, PhD (AST, danqingwang@berkeley.edu), now at Facebook
- Halleh Balch, PhD (Physics, halleh@berkeley.edu, website), now a postdoctoral research fellow at Stanford University
- Tairu Lyu, PhD (Physics, tairu_lyu@berkeley.edu), now Quantitative Researcher at Citadel Securities
- Lili Jiang, PhD (lljiang@berkeley.edu), now at University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Iqbal Utama, PhD (MSE, mibutama@berkeley.edu), now postdoc at Northwestern University
- Sihan Zhao, PhD ( sihanzhao88@zju.edu.cn), now Assistant Professor at Zhejiang University
- Shaowei Li, PhD Heising-Simons Junior Fellow joint with Crommie Group (swli@berkeley.edu), now Assistant Professor at UC San Diego
- Guorui Chen, PhD (chenguorui36@berkeley.edu), now Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University
- Aleksandr (Sasha) Zibrov, PhD (sasha.zibrov@gmail.com), now postdoc at Harvard
- Sheng Wang, PhD (Physics, shengwang16@berkeley.edu), now professor at Wuhan University
- Valerie Hsieh, Berkeley Undergraduate majoring in Physics and German, now PhD student at Columbia
- Lanxiang (Sonny) Hu, Undergraduate majoring in Physics
- Chaw Keong Yong, PhD (chawkeong@berkeley.edu), now postdoc at University of Regensberg
- Steve Drapcho, PhD (Physics, sdrapcho@berkeley.edu) now research scientist at a super stealth startup.
- Professor Qi Liu, Professor at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (qi.liu@berkeley.edu)
- Shilong Zhao, Visiting Graduate Student (zsl15@berkeley.edu), now a PhD student with TBSI
- Xiang Yuan, Visiting Scholar (Fudan University, xiangy@berkeley.edu)
- Zhiren Zheng, Berkeley Undergraduate (zhirenzheng@berkeley.edu), now a graduate student at Harvard
- Patrick Gallagher, PhD (pgallagher@berkeley.edu), Kavli Postdoc 2016-2018, now a group leader at a super stealth startup.
- Chenhao Jin, PhD (jinchenhao@berkeley.edu), now Assistant Professor at UCSB
- Fanglin Tian, visiting student from Nankai University (skycrazy00@berkeley.edu)
- Yudan Su, Visiting Graduate Student (Fudan University, yudansu12@fudan.edu.cn)
- Chan-Shan Yang, PhD (csyang@berkeley.edu), now faculty at National Taiwan Normal University
- Alex Wang, Berkeley physics undergraduate, (alexwang23@berkeley.edu), now a grad student
- Yu Guo, Visiting undergraduate student
- Rai Kou-Takahashi, PhD (rai.kou-takahashi@aist.go.jp), Postdoc, now Researcher at AIST)
- Ji-Hun Kang, PhD (jkang@berkeley.edu, see more information at Ji-Hun’s google scholar page, link)
- Jason Horng PhD, Graduate Student (jahorng@gmail.com) (website) now Postdoc at University of Michigan
- Hans Kleemann PhD (hanskleemann@berkeley.edu) now Group Leader at TU Dresden
- Jonghwan Kim PhD, Graduate Student, Now Assistant Professor at Pohang University (shineser@berkeley.edu)
- Xunjun He Ph.D., Visting Professor (Harbin University of Science and Technology, xunjunhe@berkeley.edu)
- Mingming Lu, Visiting Graduate Student (lumingming.bears@berkeley.edu)
- Likai Li, Visiting Graduate Student (Fudan University, li.likai@berkeley.edu), now visiting graduate student with former Wang Lab postdoc Sufei Shi at RPI
- Bo Zeng (PhD 2015, now Research Scientist at Facebook, bboczeng@gmail.com)
- Yinchuan Lv (undergraduate 2012-2015, now Graduate Student at UIUC, lvyin@berkeley.edu)
- Zhiwen Shi PhD. (Postdoc 2012-2015, now Assistant Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, zhiwen22@gmail.com) (website)
- Long Ju (PhD 2015, now Kavli Fellow at Cornell, cescjul@gmail.com) (website)
- Sufei Shi PhD (Postdoc 2011-2015, now Assistant Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Hui Shi (Visiting Student, Fudan University)
- Xiaoping Hong (PhD 2014, Postdoc 2014, physicist at Honeywell, now a reearch lead at DJI. (tonyhongxp@gmail.com)
- Jim Hyungmok Son (Former undergraduate, now at Harvard, hmson@berkeley.edu)
- Yizhe (Tony) Yang (Former undergraduate, now at Stanford EE yangyizhe@berkeley.edu)
- Siddharth(Sid) (Former undergraduate, sidnv91@gmail.com)
- Yaqing Bie (Visitor 2010-2013, now Assistant Professor at Sun Yat Sen University, yaqingbie@gmail.com)
- Xinglai Shen (Visitor 2011-2012, now a PhD student at Tsinghua University, shenxinglai@gmail.com)
- Qinghua Li (Visitor 2012-2013, now a PhD student at Tsinghua University, lqh.fegue@berkeley.edu)
- Yinghui Sun (Visitor 2013-2014, yhsun81@gmail.com)
- Yu-Chieh Wen (Visitor 2012-2014, now at Taiwan, yuchiehwen@gmail.com)
- Hui Ling Han (Postdoc 2011-2014 [joint with Shen group], now a product engineer at LAM Research, huilinghan@berkeley.edu)
- Kaihui Liu (Postdoc 2009-2014; now Assistant Professor of Physics, Peking University)
- Arka Majumdar (Postdoc 2012-2013, now Assistant Professor at University of Washington)
- Steven Byrnes (PhD 2012; now postdoc at Harvard)
- David Cho (PhD 2012; now at Fish & Richardson)
- Yisheng Yang (Visitor 2009-10; now PhD candidate, NUDT) (ysyang1982@gmail.com)
- Liang Sun (Postdoc 2009-10; now at IoP CAS)
- Tomer Drori (Postdoc 2009-10; now at Nanometrics)
- Weitao Liu (Postdoc 2009-10 [joint with Shen group]; now at Fudan University)
- Tsung-Ta Tang (Tom) (Postdoc 2011-2013; now at Taiwan, tttang@berkeley.edu)
- Jiong Shan (Visitor 2011; now PhD candidate, Fudan University)
- Fajun Xiao (Visitor 2009-11; now PhD candidate, NPU (Xi’an))
- Baisong Geng (Visitor 2008-11; now PhD candidate, Lanzhou University)
- Dan Zhang (Visitor; zhangd@hit.edu.cn)
- Xinhua Deng (Visitor 2012-2013)
- Edwin Haung (Undergraduate students 2011-2013, now PhD at Stanford University. edwin.huang@berkeley.edu)
- Chiho Au-Yeung (Undergraduate students 2011-2012)
- Chi-Sing Ho (Undergraduate students 2011-2012)
Wang Lab Alumnae/i: Please contact csanborn@berkeley.edu with updates to your alumna/us profile!