CIQC News 2021

01/03/21 CIQC Introduction

Realizing the quantum computer is THE scientific challenge of our time. Like previous grand scientific challenges, such as, for example, the human genome project or the direct detection of gravitational waves, quantum computing represents a radical advance in our ability to probe and understand nature. And yet the impact of quantum computing stands out as even greater than other recent grand challenges. We observe that the classical computer now stands as the most powerful scientific tool; for example, it underpins genomics, the detection and interpretation of gravity wave signals, and...

01/29/21 New qubit candidate: trapped electrons

Electrons have been trapped for the first time in a Paul trap. This opens the path to controlling trapped electron qubits much in the same way as trapped ions with the main differences that no laser light is required and that electrons are much lighter. Thus a trapped electron quantum computer could operate with less technical overhead and faster that a trapped ion system.

Read more in Phys Rev X 11...

09/03/21 Thomas Vidick (Caltech) named a Simons Investigator

Thomas Vidick, Professor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, has been named a Simons Investigator by the Simons Foundation. The intent of the Simons Investigators in Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics and Computer Science programs is to support outstanding theoretical scientists in their most productive years, when they are establishing creative new research directions. Awardees are...

01/24/21 Simons Colloquium kick off

The Colloquium talks are intended as "an introduction to research in area X", aiming to declutter, and identify the key results and techniques in the area, as well as the most important directions for further research. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion, as well as an opportunity to meet and hang out with colleagues on afterwards.

First speaker will be Aram Harrow from MIT.

10/29/21 Quantum Gatherings: Fridays 3 - 5 pm

The UC Berkeley Center for Quantum Coherent Science (CQCS) and the NSF Challenge Institute for Quantum Computation (CIQC) is inviting all members of the Berkeley quantum science and engineering to a gathering. The Quantum Gathering will take place weekly, from 3 – 5 pm on Fridays, starting Friday, October 29th. Our intention is to make connections, stimulate discussions and scientific discovery, and have fun. The Quantum Gatherings will take place on the ground floor of Campbell Hall. Look for us in 131 Campbell and the adjoining deck, and also in the CQCS/CIQC...