CIQC Postgrad Opportunities

Multi-Institutional Retreats

Please send your requests for multi-institution retreats (2 CIQC institutions minimum) in order to further our collaborative work amongst CIQC institutions in a relaxed environment. We envision students and or postdoctoral scholars of quantum-related research getting together for a retreat in a venue that may include Lake Tahoe which is close to UCB, or Solvang which is close to UCSB.

Your ideas on a retreat program that may include research presentations, and may also include a sports or non-science related activity, can be requested via this form. If you find it simpler, please...


If you would like to be reimbursed for travel, supplies, etc., fill out this form

Seed Funding

Student & Postdoc Seed Funding

The mission of the NSF CIQC ​is to address the fundamental challenges to the development of the quantum computer. Our activities have four components:

Research, including in the areas of quantum algorithms, quantum advantage, and scaling-up quantum systems

Education and workforce development

Research coordination and scientific leadership, both within the Institute and beyond

Partnerships with outside institutions

The CIQC seed funding program seeks to promote new initiatives and collaborations within any of these...

Research Exchange

We are excited to launch the CIQC Graduate Student / Postdoc Exchange Program to support and encourage cross-campus collaboration within the Institute. Through this mechanism, students and postdocs from CIQC research groups can apply for an award that financially supports a short visit to a host research group on another CIQC campus. Following the visit, the awardee is responsible for either (1) drafting a short report documenting the outcomes of the exchange, or (2) submitting an application for CIQC seed funding to continue collaborative efforts.

How does a student or postdoc apply...