We are excited to launch the CIQC Graduate Student / Postdoc Exchange Program to support and encourage cross-campus collaboration within the Institute. Through this mechanism, students and postdocs from CIQC research groups can apply for an award that financially supports a short visit to a host research group on another CIQC campus. Following the visit, the awardee is responsible for either (1) drafting a short report documenting the outcomes of the exchange, or (2) submitting an application for CIQC seed funding to continue collaborative efforts.
How does a student or postdoc apply?
Fill out the Graduate Student/Postdoc Exchange Request Form.
Who is eligible?
Graduate students and postdocs affiliated with CIQC PIs
How long can the Exchange be?
One to two weeks, depending on the nature of proposed activities
What expenses will CIQC cover?
Transportation and lodging, to be arranged in accordance with UC-Berkeley travel guidelines