Kolkowitz News

Testing relativity in the lab: Xin, Jack, Hong Ming, and Matt’s paper on measuring the gravitational redshift in the lab at the millimeter scale published in Nature Communications!

Posted on August 12, 2023

Congratulations to Xin, Jack, Hong Ming, and Matt on the publication of their paper “A lab-based test of the gravitational redshift with a miniature clock network” in Nature Communications! You can read the entire published paper at this link (with no paywall or special access required): https://rdcu.be/djkVc.

In this paper, we experimentally confirm that time passes more quickly for a clock that is just 2.5 millimeters higher off the ground than another otherwise identical clock, as predicted by...

The Kolkowitz Lab moves to UC Berkeley!

After 5.5 fun and productive years in the Physics Department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, the Kolkowitz Lab has moved to a new home at UC Berkeley!

While I'm quite sad to leave UW - Madison and the wonderful physics community there, I'm also very excited about this new chapter for me and my research group, and all the wonderful new opportunities for collaboration and scientific exploration that this change has enabled!

To get back to the Kolkowitz Lab news page, click here:...

Divide and conquer: Xin and Jack's paper published in PRX!

Congratulations to Xin and Jack on the publication of their paper “Reducing the instability of an optical lattice clock using multiple atomic ensembles” in Physical Review X! You can read the entire published paper at this link (with no paywall or special access required): https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.14.011006

Standard atomic clocks treat all the atoms in the clock the same, measuring them all identically and at once. In this paper we show that by instead splitting the...

Shimon Kolkowitz selected as Moore Foundation Experimental Physics Investigator

August 5, 2024
Shimon Kolkowitz

Associate Professor Shimon Kolkowitz

Funding bold and innovative science

Associate Professor and Herst Chair in Physics Shimon Kolkowitz has been named a member of the third annual cohort of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Experimental Physics Investigators, to achieve remarkable...

Setting records for precision: Xin and Jack’s paper published in Nature and highlighted in the press

Posted on February 16, 2022

Congratulations to Xin and Jack, as well as Kolkowitz group alums Brett, Haoran, and Varun, on the publication of their paper “Differential clock comparisons with a multiplexed optical lattice clock” in Nature! You can read the entire published paper at this link (with no paywall or special access required): https://rdcu.be/cG9co.

To learn more about what we did in the paper, you can read our original post about it here:...

Matt, Aedan, and Sam’s paper published in Physical Review Research!

Posted on February 9, 2021

Congratulations to Matt, Aedan, and Sam, whose paper “State-dependent phonon-limited spin relaxation of nitrogen-vacancy centers” has just been published online in Physical Review Research! The paper describes experimental results shedding light on the physical processes limiting the “coherence times” of defects in diamond that are used as quantum sensors and qubits. (Physical Review Research is an open access online journal, so click on through if you’re interested in...

Aedan, Ishita, Matt, and Sam’s paper on charge dynamics in diamond published in Nano Letters!

Posted on August 3, 2021

Congratulations to Aedan, Ishita, Matt, and Sam, whose paper on imaging and controlling charge carrier dynamics in diamond with a single color center has now been published online in Nano Letters!

Here’s a link to the paper: http://pubs.acs.org/articlesonrequest/AOR-AHFGVMFTPSMKYF3BGCAD.

This paper was a collaboration with Dr. Vincenzo Lordi at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Dr. Ariel Norambuena and Dr. Hossein Dinani at Universidad Mayor, and Prof....