Particle Physics Experimentalist

Chiara Salemi

Assistant Professor

Chiara Salemi is an Assistant Professor of Physics at UC Berkeley and a Faculty Scientist in the Physics Division at LBNL. Her research focuses on the search for axions, one of the leading candidates to be the universe’s dark matter. Axions are elusive particles—they weigh far less than any of the known particles and interact very feebly. In order to find them, her group builds experiments that operate at fractions of a degree above absolute zero and that rely on quantum sensors to detect the tiny signals that are expected when axions interact with a magnetic field.

Before coming to...

Bob Jacobsen

Professor Emeritus

Bob obtained a B.S.E.E. from MIT in 1978. He spent 1976 through 1986 working in the computer and data communications industry for a small company that was successively bought out by larger and larger companies. He left in 1986 to return to graduate school in physics, obtaining his Ph.D. in experimental high energy physics from Stanford in 1991. From 1991 through 1994, he was a Scientific Associate and Scientific Staff Member at CERN, the European Laboratory for Nuclear Physics, in Geneva Switzerland. While there, he was a member of the ALEPH collaboration concentrating on B physics and on...

Dmitry Budker

Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School

Dmitry Budker received his Ph.D. in physics from UC Berkeley in 1993 and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University until his faculty appointment in 1995. Born in the former USSR, Budker was a student at the Novosibirsk State University from 1980 until 1985, when he received an equivalent to MS with honors from the Department of Physics. He then served as a junior researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, where he conducted research on laser spectroscopy of atoms. In 1994, Budker received the American Physical Society Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Atomic,...

Marjorie Shapiro

Professor of the Graduate School

Marjorie D. Shapiro received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in December 1984. She joined the Physics Department in 1990. She was a Presidential Young Investigator 1989-94 and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

Research Interests

I am an experimental particle physicist whose interests lie in probing the most basic interactions in nature. There now exists a theory of the Strong and Electroweak interactions (“the Standard Model”) that has been tested to high accuracy and that explains almost all existing experimental data. The great success of this...

Tests begin on Eos neutrino detector

March 22, 2024

neutrino detector tubes

An array of photomultiplier tubes, used to detect faint sources of light, mounted inside the steel tank of the Eos detector. The photomultiplier tubes will eventually be submerged in water admixed with a novel scintillator that serve as targets for particles such as neutrinos passing through. The particle interactions produce bursts of light that will be captured by the photomultiplier tubes....

Heather Gray

Associate Professor

Heather attended the University of Cape Town in South Africa from 1999-2005 where she obtained a BSc, BSc (Hons) and then a MSc in Physics. She then attended the California Institute of Technology and obtained her Ph.D. in Physics in 2011. She then worked at CERN as a Research Fellow and Research Staff Scientist from 2011-2017 before moving to LBNL as a Divisional Fellow in 2017. Heather joined the UC Berkeley faculty as assistant professor in 2019. She received the IUPAP C11 Young Scientist Prize in 2018. She is currently serving in a high-level management role within the ATLAS experiment...

Gabriel Orebi Gann

Associate Professor

Gabriel attended the University of Cambridge in the UK from 2000 to 2004, where she received her BA and MSci in Natural Sciences. She went on to the University of Oxford, and was awarded her DPhil in Particle and Nuclear Physics in 2008. Her post-doctoral research was performed at the University of Pennsylvania, in Professor Klein's research group, working on SNO and its successor, the SNO+ experiment. Gabriel joined the U.C. Berkeley faculty in 2012.

Research Interests

I am an experimental particle physicist, with an interest in weakly interacting particles. My research focuses on...

Kam-Biu Luk

Professor Emeritus and Professor of the Graduate School

Kam-Biu attended the University of Hong Kong from 1973 to 1976 where he received his B.Sc. in Physics. He went on to Rutgers University in 1977 and was awarded his Ph.D. in 1983. Then he did his postdoctoral research at the University of Washington in Seattle until 1986 when he went to Fermilab as an Associate Scientist. Professor Luk came to UC Berkeley/LBL in 1989. He received the R.R. Wilson Fellow of Fermilab in 1986-1989; won the Department of Energy Outstanding Junior Investigator award in 1989-1991; received the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in 1990-1994; a Miller Professor in the...

Daniel McKinsey

Professor, The Georgia Lee Distinguished Professor of Physics

Daniel N. McKinsey joined the Physics Department faculty in July 2015. He received a B.S. in Physics with highest honors at the University of Michigan in 1995. His Ph.D. was awarded by Harvard University in 2002, with a thesis on the magnetic trapping, storage, and detection of ultracold neutrons in superfluid helium. His postdoctoral research was performed at Princeton University, and in 2003 he joined the Yale University physics department, where he was promoted to Full Professor in 2014. He was awarded a Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering Fellowship and an Alfred P. Sloan...

Barbara Jacak

Professor of Physics

After an international search, Barbara Jacak of the State University New York, Stony Brook, has been named as Berkeley Lab’s new director of the Nuclear Science Division. Jacak has also accepted a joint appointment as Faculty Senior Scientist at Berkeley Lab and Professor of Physics at UC Berkeley.

Jacak is one the leaders of the nuclear physics community in the United States. She did her undergraduate studies at UC Berkeley, and her PhD at Michigan State University where her advisor was David K. Scott. On graduating from MSU, she received an Oppenheimer Fellowship at Los Alamos...