
Professor Yury Kolomensky in the lab with postdoc
Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Bob Jacobsen Professor Emeritus Faculty

Particle Physics

Na Ji Professor Faculty


Steven Kahn Dean of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, Professor of Physics, Professor of Astronomy Faculty


Dan Kasen Professor Faculty

Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics

Edgar Knobloch Professor Faculty

Plasma And Nonlinear Dynamics

Shimon Kolkowitz Associate Professor and Herst Chair in Physics Faculty

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Quantum Physics

Yury Kolomensky Professor Faculty

Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics

Alessandra Lanzara Professor, Charles Kittel Chair in Physics Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science, Biophysics

Adrian Lee Professor Faculty


Dung-Hai Lee Professor Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Stephen Leone The John R. Thomas Professor in Physics Faculty

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science

Harry Levine Assistant Professor Faculty
Robert Littlejohn Professor Emeritus Faculty

Plasma And Nonlinear DynamicsAtomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Steven Louie Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Kam-Biu Luk Professor Emeritus and Professor of the Graduate School Faculty

Particle Physics

Chung-Pei Ma Judy Chandler Webb Professor of Astronomy, Physics Faculty


Eric Y. Ma Assistant Professor Faculty

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Raffaella Margutti Associate Professor, Marc and Cristina Bensadoun Professor of Physics Faculty


Richard Marrus Professor Emeritus Faculty

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Christopher McKee Professor Emeritus Faculty


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