
Professor Yury Kolomensky in the lab with postdoc
Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Leon Otis Graduate Student
Gregory Ottino Graduate Student
Brent Page Graduate Student
William A. Page Post Doc
Zachary Pagel Graduate Student
Daisong Pan Graduate Student
Cristian D. Panda Post Doc
Yujin Park Graduate Student
Eric Parsonnet Graduate Student
Lisa Partida Administrative Officer Staff
Mary Kate Pasha Graduate Student
Geoff Penington Assistant Professor Faculty

Particle Physics

Saul Perlmutter Franklin W. and Karen Weber Dabby Professor Faculty


Alexandria Perry Program Coordinator for BPIE & BETA Staff
Elizabeth Peterson Graduate Student
Petar N. Petrov Post Doc
Justin Phillips Graduate Student
Aditya Prasad Graduate Student
Morgan Presley Graduate Student
Stephen Pride Raffel Financial Services Analyst II Staff

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