Korkut Bardakci received his B.S. from Robert College, Turkey in 1957 and his Ph.D. from the University of Rochester in 1962. After postdoctoral appointments at the University of Minnesota and the Institute for Advanced Study, he joined the UC Berkeley Physics Department as an assistant professor in 1966. He has been a Sloan Foundation fellow, a Guggenheim fellow and an Overseas visiting fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge, England.
Research Interests
I am interested in string theories in general and in the problem of tachyon condensation in the bosonic string in particular.
Current Projects
In collaboration with Konechny, a postdoctoral fellow in Berkeley, I am continuing work on the tachyon condensation problem. Recently, we have carried out the calculation of the one loop contribution to the tachyonic potential.
K. Bardakci, “Conformal models of thirring type and the affine Virasoro construction,” Nucl. Phys. B563, 437 (1999).
K. Bardakci and A. Konechny, “Tachyon instability and Kondo type models,” Nucl. Phys. B598, 427 (2000).