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Ultrafast creation of a light-induced semimetallic state in strongly excited 1T-TiSe2
M. Huber, Y. Lin, G. Marini, L. Moreschini, C. Jozwiak, A. Bbostwick, M. Calandra, A. Lanzara
Science Advances 10, 19 4481 (2024)

Establishing Coherent Momentum-Space Electronic States in Locally Ordered Materials 
S. T. Ciocys, Q. Marsal, P. Corbae, D. Varjas, E. Kennedy, M. Scott, F. Hellman, A. G. Grushin, A. Lanzara
Nature Communication 15, 8141 (2024)

Doping dependence of spin-momentum locking in bismuth-based high-temperature cuprate superconductors
H. Luo, K. Currier, C. Y. Lin, K. Gotlieb, R.Mori, H. Eisaki, A. V. Fedorov, Z. Hussain, A. Lanzara
Communications Materials 5, 140 (2024)

Spin polarized spatially indirect excitons in a topological insulator
R. Mori, K. Takasan, P. Ai, S. Ciocys, J. E. Moore, A. Lanzara
Nature 614, 249 (2023)

Antiferromagnetic metal phase in an electron-doped rare-earth nickelate
Qi Song, S. Doyle, G. A. Pan, I. E. Baggari, D. F. Segedin, D. C. Carrizales, J. Nordlaander, C. Tzschaschel, J. R. Ehrets, Z. Hasan, H. E-Sherif, J. Krishna, C. Hanson, H. LaBollita, A. Bostwick, C. Jozwiak, E. Rotenberg, S. Y. Xu, A. Lanzara, T. N’Diaye, C. A. Heikes, Y. Liu, H. Paik, C. M. Brooks, B. Pamuk, J. T. Heron, P. Shafer, W. D. Ratcliff, A. S. Botana, L. Moreschini, and J. A. Mundy.
Nature Physics 19, 522 (2023)

Observation of spin-momentum locked surface states in amorphous Bi2Se3
P. Corbae, S. Ciocys, D. Varjas, S. Zeltmann, C. H. Stansbury, M. Molina-Ruiz, Z. Chen, L. W. Wang, A. M. Minor, A. G. Grushin, A. Lanzara, F. Hellman Nature Materials 22, 200 (2023) 

Layer-dependent interaction effects in the electronic structure of twisted bilayer graphene devices
N. Dale, M. Iqbal Bakti Utama, D. Lee, N. Leconte, S. Zhao, K. Lee, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, R. J. Koch, J. Jung, F. Wang, A. Lanzara
Nano Lett. 23, 15, 6799 (2023)

Tunable Van Hove Singularity without Structural Instability in Kagome Metal CsTi3Bi5
B. Liu, M. Q. Kuang, Y. Li, C. Hu, J. Liu, Q. Xiao, X. Zheng, L. Huagi, S. Peng, Z. Wei, J. Shen, B. Wang, Y. Miao, X. Sun, Z. Ou, S. Cui, Z. Sun, M. Hasimoto, D. Lu, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenber, L. Moreschini, A. Lanzara, Y. Wang, Y. Peng, Y. Yao, Z. Wang, J. He
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 026701 (2023) 

Electronic transport mechanisms in a thin crystal of the Kitaev candidate aRuCl3 probed through guarded high impedance measurements
P. Barfield, V. Tran, V. Nagarajan, M. Martinez, A. Diego, D. Bergner, A. Lanzara, J. G. Analytis, C. Ojeda-Aristizabal
Applied Phys. Lett. 122, 243102 (2023)

Ultrafast Enhancement of Electron-Phonon coupling via dynamic quantum well states
S. Ciocys, A. Lanzara
Communications Materials 4, 48 (2023) 

Linearly dispersive bands at the onset of correlations in KxC60films
P. Ai, L. Moreschini, R. Mori, D. W. Latzke, C. Ojeda- Aristizabal, J. D. Denlinger, A. Zettl, A. Lanzara
Physical Review Research 5, L022042 (2023)

AutodiDAQt: Simple Scientific Data Acquisition Software with Analysis-in-the-Loop
C. Stansbury, A. Lanzara
Software 2, 121 (2023)

Correlation driven electron-hole asymmetry in graphene field effect devices
N. Dale, R. Mori, M. I. Baktitama, J. D. Denlinger, C. Stansbry C. G. Fatuzzo, S. Zhao, K. Lee, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, R. Koch, F. Wang, A. Lanzara
npj- Quantum Materials 7, 9 (2022)

Driving Ultrafast Spin and Energy Modulation in Quantum Well States via Light-Driven Electric Fields
S. Ciocys, A. Lanzara
npj Quantum materials 7, 79 (2022)

Exciton Driven Renormalization of quasiparticle band structure in monolayer MoS2
Y. Lin, Y. Chan, W. Lee, L. S. Lu, Z. Li, W. H. Chang, C. K. Shih, R. Kaindl, S. G. Louie, A. Lanzara
Physical Review B 4 (2), L08117 (2022) 

Observation of a flat and extended surface state in a topological semimetal
R. Mori, K. Wang, TT. Morimoto, J. D. Denlinger, J. Paglione, A. Lanzara
Materials 15(8), 2744 (2022) 

Evidence of nested quasi-1D Fermi surface and decoupled charge-lattice orders in layered TaTe2
Yi Lin, Maximillian Huber, Sangeeta Rajpurohit, Yanglin Zhu, Khalid Siddiqui, Daniel H. Eilbott, Luca Moreschini, Ping Ai, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Zhiqiang Mao, Liang Z. Tan, Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Research 4, (2) L022009 (2022)

Polarization dependent photoemission as a probe of the magnetic ground state in the van der Waals ferromagnet VI3
D. Bergner, T. Kong, P. Ai, D. Eilbott, C. Fattuzzo, S. Ciocys, N. Dale, C. Stansbury, D. W. Latzke, E. Molina, R. Reno, R. J. Cava, A. Lanzara, C. Ojeda-Aristizabal
Applied Physics Letters 121, 18 (2022)

Revealing the order parameter dynamics of 1T-TiSe2 following optical excitation
M. Huber, Y. Lin, N. Dale, R. Sailus, S. Tongay, R. A. Kaindl, A. Lanzara
Scientific Report 106, 15860 (2021)

Evidence for a delocalization quantum phase transition without symmetry breaking in CeCoIn5
N. Maksimovic, D. H. Eilbott, T. Cookmeyer, F. W. Rusz, V. Nagarajan, S. Haley, E. Maniv, A. Gong, S. F. Hayes, A. Bangura, J. Singleton, J. C. Palmstrom, L. Winter, R., Mcdonald, S. Jang, P. Ai, Y. Lin, S. Ciocys, J. Gobbo, Y. Werman, P. Oppeneer, E. Altman, A. Lanzara, J. G. Analytis
Science 375, 6576 (2021)

Crystalline symmetry-protected non-trivial topology in prototype compound BaAl4
K. Wang, R. Mori, Z. Wang, L. Wang, J. H. Son Ma, D. W. Latzke, D. E. Graf, J. D. Denlinger, D. Campbell, B. A. Bernevig, A. Lanzara, J. Paglione.
npj- Quantum Materials 6, 1094 (2021)

Present and future trends in spin ARPES
C.Y. Lin, L. Moreschini, and A. Lanzara.
EuroPhysics Letter 134, 57001 (2021)

Visualizing electron localization of WS2/WSe2 moiré superlattices in momentum space
Conrad H. Stansbury, M. Iqbal Bakti Utama, Claudia G. Fatuzzo, Emma C. Regan, Danqing Wang, Ziyu Xiang, Mingchao Ding, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Mark Blei, Yuxia Shen, Stephane Lorcy, Aaron Bostwick, Chris Jozwiak, Roland Koch, Sefaattin Tongay, José Avila, Eli Rotenberg, Feng Wang, and Alessandra Lanzara
Science Advances, 7 37 (2021)

Evidence for a Magnetic-Field-Induced Ideal Type-II Weyl State in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator Mn(Bi(1-x)Sb(x))2Te4
Seng Huat Lee, David Graf, Lujin Min, Yanglin Zhu, Hemian Yi, Samuel Ciocys, Yuanxi Wang, Eun Sang Choi, Rabindra Basnet, Arash Fereidouni, Aaron Wegner, Yi-Fan Zhao, Katrina Verlinde, Jingyang He, Ronald Redwing, V. Gopalan, Hugh O. H. Churchill, Alessandra Lanzara, Nitin Samarth, Cui-Zu Chang, Jin Hu, and Z. Q. Mao
Phys. Rev. X 11, 031032, (2021)

Crystalline symmetry-protected non-trivial topology in prototype compound BaAl4
Kefeng Wang, Ryo Mori, Zhijun Wang, Limin Wang, Jonathan Han Son Ma, Drew W. Latzke, David E. Graf, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Daniel Campbell, B. Andrei Bernevig, Alessandra Lanzara, Johnpierre Paglione
npj Quantum Materials 6, 28 (2021)

Spatial nematic fluctuation in BaFe2(As(1-x)Px)2 revealed by spatially and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Jonathan Ma, Ming Yi, Gregory Affeldt, Ian Hayes, Chris Jozwiak, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, James Analytis, Robert Birgeneau, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 101, 094515 (2020)

PyARPES: An analysis framework for multimodal angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Conrad Stansbury, Alessandra Lanzara
SoftwareX 11, January-June 2020 100472 (2020)

Spatial nematic fluctuation in BaFe2(As(1-x)Px)2 revealed by spatially and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Jonathan Ma, Ming Yi, Gregory Affeldt, Ian Hayes, Chris Jozwiak, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, James G. Analytis, Robert J. Birgeneau, Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 101, 094515 (2020)

Manipulating long-lived topological surface photovoltage in bulk-insulating topological insulators Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3
Samuel Ciocys, Takahiro Morimoto, Ryo Mori, Kenneth Gotlieb, Zahid Hussain, James G. Analytis, Joel E. Moore, Alessandra Lanzara
npj Quantum Materials 5, 16 (2020)

Competition between magnetic order and charge localization in Na2IrO3 thin crystal devices
Josue Rodriguez, Gilbert Lopez, Francisco Ramirez, Nicholas P. Breznay, Robert Kealhofer, Vikram Nagarajan, Drew Latzke, Samantha Wilson, Naomy Marrufo, Peter Santiago, Jared Lara, Amirari Diego, Everardo Molina, David Rosser, Hadi Tavassol, Alessandra Lanzara, James G. Analytis, Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal
Phys. Rev. B 101, 235415 (2020)

Efficient prediction of time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on a nonequilibrium BCS superconductor
Tianrui Xu, Takahiro Morimoto, Alessandra Lanzara, Joel E. Moore
Phys. Rev. B 99, 035117 (2019)

Observation of highly dispersive bands in pure thin film C60
Drew W. Latzke, Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal, Sinéad M. Griffin, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Alex Zettl, Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 99, 045425 (2019)

Controlling a Van Hove singularity and Fermi surface topology at a complex oxide heterostructure interface
Ryo Mori, Patrick B. Marshall, Kaveh Ahadi, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Susanne Stemmer, Alessandra Lanzara
Nature Communications 10, 5534 (2019)

A setup for extreme-ultraviolet ultrafast angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy at 50-kHz repetition rate
Jan Heye Buss, He Wang, Yiming Xu, Julian Maklar, Frederic Joucken, Lingkun Zeng, Sebastian Stoll, Chris Jozwiak, John Pepper, Yi-De Chuang, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Zahid Hussain, Alessandra Lanzara, Robert A. Kaindl
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 023105 (2019)

Orbital Character Effects in the Photon Energy and Polarization Dependence of Pure C60 Photoemission
Drew W. Latzke, Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Ryan Reno, Alex Zettl, Alessandra Lanzara
ACS Nano 13, 11, 12710-12718 (2019)

Tracking surface photovoltage dipole geometry in Bi2Se3 with time-resolved photoemission
S. Ciocys, T. Morimoto, J. E. Moore, and A. Lanzara
J. Stat. Mech. 104008 (2019)

Ultrafast dynamics of electron-phonon coupling in a metal
Choongyu Hwang, Wentao Zhang, Koshi Kurashima, Robert Kaindl, Tadashi Adachi, Yoji Koike, and Alessandra Lanzara
EPL 126 57001 (2019)

Orbital-dependent spin textures in Bi2Se3 quantum well states
Chiu-Yun Lin, Kenneth Gotlieb, Chris Jozwiak, Jonathan A. Sobota, Zhi-Xun Shen, James G. Analytis, Zahid Hussain, Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 98, 075149 (2018)

Doping-dependent correlation effects in (Sr(1-x)Lax)3Ir2O7
Gregory Affeldt, Tom Hogan, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Ashvin Vishwanath, Stephen D. Wilson, Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 97, 125111 (2018)

Interplay of superconductivity and bosonic coupling in the peak-dip-hump structure of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Tristan L. Miller, Wentao Zhang, Jonathan Ma, Hiroshi Eisaki, Joel E. Moore, Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 97, 134517 (2018)

Revealing hidden spin-momentum locking in a high-temperature cuprate superconductor
Kenneth Gottlieb, Chiu-Yun Lin, Maksym Serbyn, Wentao Zhang, Christopher L. Smallwood, Christopher Jozwiak, Hiroshi Eisaki, Zahid Hussain, Ashvin Vishwanath, Alessandra Lanzara
Science 362 6420, 1271-1275 (2018)

Emergence of Kondo Resonance in Graphene Intercalated with Cerium
Jinwoong Hwang, Kyoo Kim, Hyejin Ryu, Jingul Kim, Ji-Eun Lee, Sooran Kim, Minhee Kang, Byeong-Gyu Park, Alessandra Lanzara, Jinwook Chung, Sung-Kwan Mo, Jonathan Denlinger, Byung Il Min, and Choongyu Hwang
Nano Lett. 18 (6), 3661-3666 (2018)

Orbital dependent coherence temperature and optical anisotropy of V2O3 quasiparticles
I. Lo Vecchio, L. Baldassarre, P. Di. Pietro, F. Giogianni, M. Marsi, A. Perucchi, U. Schade, A. Lanzara, and S. Lupi
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 345602 (2017)

Temperature-Dependent Electron-Electron Interaction in Graphene on SrTiO3
Hyejin Ryu, Jinwoong Hwang, Debin Wang, Ankit S. Disa, Jonathan Denlinger, Yuegang Zhang, Sung-Kwan Mo, Choongyu Hwang, and Alessandra Lanzara
Nano Lett. 17, 5914-5918 (2017)

Hole doping, hybridization gaps, and electronic correlation in graphene on a platinum substrate
Hole doping, hybridization gaps, and electronic correlation in graphene on a platinum substrate
Nanoscale 9, 11498 (2017)

Symmetry rules shaping spin-orbital textures in surface states
Kenneth Gotlieb, Zhenglu Li, Chiu-Yun Lin, Chris Jozwiak, Ji Hoon Ryoo, Cheol-Hwan Park, Zahid Hussain, Steven G. Louie, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 95, 245142 (2017)

Spectral weight suppression near a metal-insulator transition in a double-layer electron-doped iridate
Gregory Affeldt, Tom Hogan, Christopher L. Smallwood, Tanmoy Das, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Stephen D. Wilson, Ashvin Vishwanath, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 95, 235151 (2017)

Molecular Arrangement and Charge Transfer in C60/Graphene Heterostructures
C. Ojeda-Aristizabal, E. J. G. Santos, S. Onishi, A. Yan, H. I. Rasool, S. Kahn, Y. Lv, D. W. Latzke, J. Velasco Jr., M. F. Crommie, M. Sorensen, K. Gotlieb, C.-Y. Lin, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. Lanzara, and A. Zettl
ACS Nano 11 (5), 4686 (2017)

Particle-Hole Asymmetry in the Cuprate Pseudogap Measured with Time-Resolved Spectroscopy
Tristan L. Miller, Wentao Zhang, Hiroshi Eisaki, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 097001 (2017)

Spin-polarized surface resonances accompanying topological surface state formation
Chris Jozwiak, Jonathan A. Sobota, Kenneth Gotlieb, Alexander F. Kemper, Costel R. Rotundu, Robert J. Birgeneau, Zahid Hussain, Dung-Hai Lee, Zhi-Xun Shen, and Alessandra Lanzara
Nature Communications 7, 13143 (2016)

Fermi Surface of Metallic V2O3 from Angle-Resolved Photoemission: Mid-level Filling of egπ Bands
I. Lo Vecchio, J. D. Denlinger, O. Krupin, B. J. Kim, P. A. Metcalf, S. Lupi, J. W. Allen, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 166401 (2016)

Ultrafast angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of quantum materials
Christopher L. Smallwood, Robert A. Kaindl, and Alessandra Lanzara
EPL 115, 27001 (2016)

Stimulated emission of Cooper pairs in a high-temperature cuprate superconductor
Wentao Zhang, Tristan L. Miller, Christopher L. Smallwood, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Hiroshi Eisaki, Robert A. Kaindl, Dung-Hai Lee, and Alessandra Lanzara
Sci. Rep. 6, 29100 (2016)

Nonequilibrium electron dynamics in a solid with a changing nodal excitation gap
Christopher L. Smallwood, Tristan L. Miller, Wentao Zhang, Robert A. Kaindl, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 93, 235107 (2016)

The rate of quasiparticle recombination probes the onset of coherence in cuprate superconductors
J. P. Hinton, E. Thewalt, Z. Alpichshev, F. Mahmood, J. D. Koralek, M. K. Chan, M. J. Veit, C. J. Dorow, N. Barišić, A. F. Kemper, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, Ruixing Liang, N. Gedik, M. Greven, A. Lanzara, and J. Orenstein
Sci. Rep. 6, 23610 (2016)

Magnetic effects in sulfur-decorated graphene
Choongyu Hwang, Shane A. Cybart, S. J. Shin, Sooran Kim, Kyoo Kim, T. G. Rappoport, S. M. Wu, C. Jozwiak, A. V. Fedorov, S.-K. Mo, D.-H. Lee, B. I. Min, E. E. Haller, R. C. Dynes, A. H. Castro Neto, and Alessandra Lanzara
Sci. Rep. 6, 21460 (2016)

Bandwidth and Electron Correletion-Tuned Superconductivity in Rb0.8Fe2(Se1-zSz)2
M. Yi, Meng Wang, A. F. Kemper, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, E. Bourret-Courchesne, A. Lanzara, M. Hashimoto, D. H. Lu, Z.-X. Shen, Robert J. Birgeneau
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 256403 (2015)

A novel quasi-one-dimensional topological insulator in bismuth iodide β-Bi4I4
Gabriel Autès, Anna Isaeva, Luca Moreschini, Jens C. Johannsen, Andrea Pisoni, Ryo Mori, Wentao Zhang, Taisia G. Filatova, Alexey N. Kuznetsov, Lásló Forró, Wouter Van den Broek, Yeongkwan Kim, Keun Su Kim, Alessandra Lanzara, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Eli Rotenberg, Aaron Bostwick, Marco Grioni, and Oleg V. Yazyev
Nature Materials (2015)

Photoinduced changes of the chemical potential in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Tristan L. Miller, Christopher L. Smallwood, Wentao Zhang, Hiroshi Eisaki, Joseph Orenstein, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 92, 144506 (2015)

Influence of optically quenched superconductivity on quasiparticle relaxation rates in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Christopher L. Smallwood, Wentao Zhang, Tristan L. Miller, Gregory Affeldt, Koshi Kurashima, Chris Jozwiak, Takashi Noji, Yoji Koike, Hiroshi Eisaki, Dung-Hai Lee, Robert A. Kaindl, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 92, 161102(R) (2015)

Electronic structure, spin-orbit coupling, and interlayer interaction in bulk MoS2 and WS2
Electronic structure, spin-orbit coupling, and interlayer interaction in bulk MoS
Phys. Rev. B 91, 235202 (2015)

Resolving unoccupied electronic states with laser ARPES in bismuth-based cuprate superconductors
Tristan L. Miller, Minna Ärrälä, Christopher L. Smallwood, Wentao Zhang, Hasnain Hafiz, Bernardo Barbiellini, Koshi Kurashima, Tadashi Adachi, Yoji Koike, Hiroshi Eisaki, Matti Lindroos, Arun Bansil, Dung-Hai Lee, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 91, 085109 (2015)

Observation of low energy dispersive modes in underdoped (La, Nd)2-xSrxCuO4
Matteo D'Astuto, Sylvain Denis, Jeff Graf, Alessandra Lanzara, Claudia Decorse, Paola Giura, Sang-Wook Cheong, Abhay Shukla, Patrick Berthet, Daniel Lamago, John-Paul Castellan, Alexei Bossak, and Michael Krisch
arXiv:1502.04003 (2015)

Ultrafast quenching of electron-boson interaction and superconducting gap in a cuprate superconductor
Wentao Zhang, Choongyu Hwang, Christopher L. Smallwood, Tristan L. Miller, Gregory Affeldt, Koshi Kurashima, Chris Jozwiak, Hiroshi Eisaki, Tadashi Adachi, Yoji Koike, Dung-Hai Lee, and Alessandra Lanzara
Nature Communications 5, 4959 (2014)

Ytterbium-driven strong enhancement of electron-phonon coupling in graphene
Choongyu Hwang, Duck Young Kim, D. A. Siegel, Kevin T. Chan, J. Noffsinger, A. V. Fedorov, Marvin L. Cohen, Börje Johansson, J. B. Neaton, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 90, 115417 (2014)

Colloquium: Graphene spectroscopy
D. N. Basov, M. M. Fogler, A. Lanzara, Feng Wang, and Yuanbo Zhang
Rev. Mod. Phys. 86, 959 (2014)

Impact of Work Function Induced Electric Fields on Laser-based Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
A. Fero, C. L. Smallwood, G. Affeldt, and A. Lanzara
J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 195, 247-243 (2014)

Time- and momentum-resolved gap dynamics in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Christopher L. Smallwood, Wentao Zhang, Tristan L. Miller, Chris Jozwiak, Hiroshi Eisaki, Dung-Hai Lee, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 89, 115126 (2014)

Signatures of superconductivity and pseudogap formation in nonequilibrium nodal quasiparticles revealed by ultrafast angle-resolved photoemission
Wentao Zhang, Christopher L. Smallwood, Chris Jozwiak, Tristan L. Miller, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Hiroshi Eisaki, Dung-Hai Lee, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 88, 245132 (2013)

Rapid high-resolution spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with pulsed laser source and time-of-flight spectrometer
K. Gotlieb, Z. Hussain, A. Bostwick, A. Lanzara, and C. Jozwiak
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 093904 (2013)

Ligand-Controlled Colloidal Synthesis and Electronic Structure Characterization of Cubic Iron Pyrite (FeS2) Nanocrystals
J. Matthew Lucas, Chia-Chi Tuan, Sebastien D. Lounis, David K. Britt, Ruimin Qiao, Wanli Yang, Alessandra Lanzara, and A. Paul Alivisatos
Chem. Mater. 25, 1615-1620 (2013)

Charge-Carrier Screening in Single-Layer Graphene
David A. Siegel, William Regan, Alexei V. Fedorov, A. Zettl, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 146802 (2013)

Photoelectron spin-flipping and texture manipulation in a topological insulator
Chris Jozwiak, Cheol-Hwan Park, Kenneth Gotlieb, Choongyu Hwang, Dung-Hai Lee, Steven G. Louie, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Costel R. Rotundu, Robert J. Birgeneau, Zahid Hussain, and Alessandra Lanzara
Nature Physics 9, 293-298 (2013)

An ultrafast angle-resolved photoemission apparatus for measuring complex materials
Christopher L. Smallwood, Christopher Jozwiak, Wentao Zhang, and Alessandra Lanzara
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 123904 (2012)

Electron-phonon coupling and intrinsic bandgap in highly-screened graphene
David A Siegel, Choongyu Hwang, Alexei V Fedorov, and Alessandra Lanzara
New J. Phys. 14, 095006 (2012)

Fermi velocity engineering in graphene by substrate modification
Choongyu Hwang, David A. Siegel, Sung-Kwan Mo, William Regan, Ariel Ismach, Yuegang Zhang, Alex Zettl, and Alessandra Lanzara
Sci. Rep. 2, 590 (2012)

Tracking Cooper Pairs in a Cuprate Superconductor by Ultrafast Angle-Resolved Photoemission
Christopher L. Smallwood, James P. Hinton, Christopher Jozwiak, Wentao Zhang, Jake D. Koralek, Hiroshi Eisaki, Dung-Hai Lee, Joseph Orenstein, and Alessandra Lanzara
Science 336, 1137 (2012)

Method for synthesis of high quality graphene
Alessandra Lanzara, Andreas K. Schmid, Xiaozhu Yu, Choonkyu Hwang, Annemarie Kohl, Chris M. Jozwiak
U.S. Patent #8142754

Widespread spin polarization effects in photoemission from topological insulators
C. Jozwiak, Y. L. Chen, A. V. Fedorov, J. G. Analytis, C. R. Rotundu, A. K. Schmid, J. D. Denlinger, Y.-D. Chuang, D.-H. Lee, I. R. Fisher, R. J. Birgeneau, Z.-X. Shen, Z. Hussain, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 84, 165113 (2011)

Direct measurement of quantum phases in graphene via photoemission spectroscopy
Choongyu Hwang, Cheol-Hwan Park, David A. Siegel, Alexei V. Fedorov, Steven G. Louie, and Alessandra Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 84, 125422 (2011)

Nodal quasiparticle meltdown in ultrahigh-resolution pump-probe angle-resolved photoemission
J. Graf, C. Jozwiak, C. L. Smallwood, H. Eisaki, R. A. Kaindl, D-H. Lee, and A. Lanzara
Nature Physics 7, 805-809 (2011)

Many-body interactions in quasi-freestanding graphene
David A. Siegel, Cheol-Hwan Park, Choongyu Hwang, Jack Deslippe, Alexei V. Fedorov, Steven G. Louie, and Alessandra Lanzara
PNAS, 108, 11365-11369 (2011)

New synthesis method for the growth of epitaxial graphene
X.Z. Yu, C.G. Hwang, C.M. Jozwiak, A. Kohl, A.K. Schmid, and A. Lanzara
J. Elec. Spec. Relat. Phenom. 184, 100-106 (2011)

Crossover region between nodal and antinodal states at the Fermi level of optimally doped and overdoped Bi2Sr1.6Nd0.4Cu2O6+δ
D. R. Garcia, J. Graf, C. Jozwiak, C. G. Hwang, H. Eisaki, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 81, 184527 (2010)

A high-efficiency spin-resolved photoemission spectrometer combining time-of-flight spectroscopy with exchange-scattering polarimetry
C. Jozwiak, J. Graf, G. Lebedev, N. Andresen, A. K. Schmid, A. V. Fedorov, F. El Gabaly, W. Wan, A. Lanzara, and Z. Hussain
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 053904 (2010)

Quasifreestanding multilayer graphene films on the carbon face of SiC
D. A. Siegel, C. G. Hwang, A. V. Fedorov, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 81, 241417(R) (2010)

Resonant photoluminescent charging of epitaxial graphene
S. D. Lounis, D. A. Siegel, R. Broesler, C. G. Hwang, E. E. Haller, and A. Lanzara
App. Phys. Lett. 96, 151913 (2010)

Phonon dispersion and low-enery anomaly in CaC6 from inelastic neutron and x-ray scattering experiments
Matteo d'Astuto, Matteo Calandra, Nedjma Bendiab, Genevieve Loupias, Francesco Mauri, Shuyun Zhou, Jeff Graf, Alessandra Lanzara, Nicolas Emery, Claire Herold, P. Legrange, Daniel Petitgrand, and Moritz Hoesch
Phys. Rev. B 81, 104519 (2010)

Through a Lattice Darkly: Shedding Light on Electron-Phonon Coupling in the High Tc Cuprates
D. R. Garcia and A. Lanzara
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2010, 807412 (2010)

Vacuum space charge effect in laser-based solid-state photoemission spectroscopy
J. Graf, S. Hellmann, C. Jozwiak, C. L. Smallwood, Z. Hussain, R. A. Kaindl, L. Kipp, K. Rossnagel, and A. Lanzara
J. App. Phys. 107, 014912 (2010)

First Direct Observation of a Nearly Ideal Graphene Band Structure
M. Sprinkle, D. Siegel, Y. Hu, J. Hicks, A. Tejeda, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, P. Le Fevre, F. Bertran, S. Vizzini, H. Enriquez, S. Chiang, P. Soukiassian, C. Berger, W. A. deHeer, A. Lanzara, and E. H. Conrad
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 226803 (2009)

Broadband electromagnetic response and ultrafast dynamics of few-layer epitaxial graphene
H. Choi, F. Borondics, D. A. Siegel, S. Y. Zhou, M. C. Martin, A. Lanzara, and R. A. Kaindl
App. Phys. Lett. 94, 172102 (2009)

Three-fold diffraction symmetry in epitaxial graphene and the SiC substrate
D. A. Siegel, S. Y. Zhou, F. El Gabaly, A. K. Schmid, K. F. McCarty, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 80, 241407(R) (2009)

Bilayer splitting and c-axis coupling in CMR bilayer manganites
C. Jozwiak, J. Graf, S. Y. Zhou, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, H. Zheng, J. F. Mitchell and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 80, 235111 (2009)

Instability of two-dimensional graphene: Breaking sp2 bonds with soft x rays
S. Y. Zhou, C. O. Girit, A. Scholl, C. M. Jozwiak, D. A. Siegel, P. Yu, J. T. Robinson, F. Wang, A. Zettl, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 80, 121409(R) (2009)

Self-doping effects in epitaxially grown graphene
D. A. Siegel, S. Y. Zhou, F. El Gabaly, A. V. Fedorov, A. K. Schmid, and A. Lanzara
App. Phys. Lett. 93, 243119 (2008)

Unusual oxygen isotope effects in cuprates - importance of doping
G.-H. Gweon, T. Sasagawa, H. Takagi, D.-H. Lee, A. Lanzara

Core level and valence band study using angle-integrated photoemission on LaFeAsO0.9F0.1
D.R. Garcia, C. Jozwiak, C. G. Hwang, A. Fedorov, S. M. Hanrahan, S. D. Wilson, C. R. Rotundu, B. K. Freelon, R. J. Birgeneau, E. Bourret-Courchesne and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 78, 245119 (2008)

Kohn anomaly and interplay of electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in epitaxial graphene
S. Y. Zhou, D. A. Siegel, A. V. Fedorov, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B 78, 193404 (2008)

Sharp optical phonon softening close to optimal doping in La2−xBaxCuO4+d
Matteo d’Astuto, Guy Dhalenne, Jeff Graf, Moritz Hoesch, Paola Giura, Michael Krisch, Patrick Berthet, Alessandra Lanzara and Abhay Shukla
Phys. Rev. B 78, 140511(R) (2008)

Metal to insulator transition in epitaxial graphene induced by molecular doping
S.Y. Zhou, D.A. Siegel, A.V. Federov and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 086402 (2008)

Bond stretching phonon softening and kinks in the angle-resolved photoemission spectra of optimally doped Bi2Sr1.6La0.4Cu2O6+d superconductors
J. Graf, M. d'Astuto, C. Jozwiak, D.R. Garcia, N.L. Saini, M. Krisch, K. Ikeuchi, A.Q.R. Baron, H. Eisaki, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 227002 (2008)

Departure from the conical dispersion in epitaxial graphene
S.Y. Zhou, D.A. Siegel, A.V. Fedorov, A. Lanzara
Physica E 40, 2642 (2008)

Origin of the energy bandgap in epitaxial graphene
S.Y. Zhou, D.A. Siegel, A.V. Fedorov, F. El Gabaly, A.K. Schmid, A.H. Castro Neto, D.-H. Lee, A. Lanzara
Nature Materials 7, 259-260 (2008)

Design of an elliptically bent refocus mirror for the MERLIN beamline at the Advanced Light Source
N. Kelez, Y. D. Chuang, A. Smith-Baumann, K. Franck, R. Duarte, A. Lanzara, M. Z. Hasan, D. S. Dessau, T. C. Chiang, Z. X. Shen, Z.Hussain
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 582, 135-137 (2007)

Exchange-induced frustration in Fe/NiO multilayers
N. Rougemaille, M. Portalupi, A. Brambilla, P. Biagioni, A. Lanzara, M. Finazzi, A. K. Schmid, L. Duo
Phys. Rev. B 76, 214425 (2007)

In-plane copper-oxygen bond-stretching mode anomaly in underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4+d measured with high-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering
J. Graf, M. d'Astuto, P. Giura, A. Shukla, N.L. Saini, A. Bossak, M. Krisch, S.-W. Cheong, T. Sasagawa, A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 76, 172507 (2007)

X-ray Absorption Microscopy of Bacterial Surface Protein Layers: X-ray damage
A. Kade, D. V. Vyalikh, S. Danzenbacher, K. Kummer, A. Bluber, M. Mertig, A. Lanzara, A. Scholl, A. Doran, S. L. Molodtsov

Substrate-induced band gap opening in epitaxial graphene
S.Y. Zhou, G.-H. Gweon, A.V. Fedorov, P.N. First, W.A. der Heer, D.-H. Lee, F. Guinea, A.H. Castro Neto, A. Lanzara
Nature Materials 6, 770 (2007)

Universal waterfall-like feature in the spectral function of high temperature superconductors
J. Graf, G.-H. Gweon, A. Lanzara
Physica C 460-462, 194-197 (2007)

Probing the band structure of LaTe2 using Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
D.R. Garcia, S.Y. Zhou, G.-H. Gweon, M.H. Jung, Y.S. Kwon, A. Lanzara
J. Elec. Spec. Relat. Phenom. 156-158, 58 (2007)

Revealing Charge Density Wave formation in the LaTe2 system by Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
D. R. Garcia, G.-H. Gweon, S.Y. Zhou, J. Graf, C.M. Jozwiak, M.H. Jung, Y.S. Kwon, A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 166403 (2007)

Universal high energy anomaly in the Angle-Resolved Photoemission spectra of high temperature superconductors: possible evidence of spinon and holon branches
J. Graf, G.-H. Gweon, K. McElroy, S.Y. Zhou, C. Jozwiak, E. Rotenberg, A. Bill, T. Sasagawa, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, H. Takagi, D.-H. Lee, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 067004 (2007)

Strong and complex electron-lattice correlation in optimally doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
G.-H. Gweon, S. Y. Zhou, M. C. Watson, T. Sasagawa, H. Takagi, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 227001 (2006)

Direct observation of magnetic instabilities in NiO thin films epitaxially grown on Fe(0 0 1)
L. Duo, A. Brambilla, P. Biagioni, M. Finazzi, A. Scholl, G.-H. Gweon, J. Graf, A. Lanzara
Surf. Sci. 600, 4160 (2006)

Nano-sized magnetic instabilities in Fe/NiO/Fe(001) epitaxial thin films
A. Brambilla, P. Biagioni, N. Rougemaille, A.K. Schmid, A. Lanzara, L. Duo, F. Ciccacci, M. Finazzi
Thin Solid Films 515, 712 (2006)

Interface Coupling Transition in a thin epitaxial antiferromagnetic film interacting with a ferromagnetic substrate
M. Finazzi, A. Brambilla, P. Biagioni, J. Graf, G.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 097202 (2006)

First direct observation of Dirac fermions in graphite
S. Y. Zhou, G.-H. Gweon, J. Graf, A. V. Fedorov, C. D. Spataru, R. D. Diehl, Y. Kopelevich, D.-H. Lee, Steven G. Louie, A. Lanzara
Nature Physics 2, 595-599 (2006)

Synthesis and characterization of atomically-thin graphite films on a silicon carbide substrate
S. Y. Zhou, B. S. Mun,
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 67, 2172 (2006)

Low energy excitations in graphite: The role of dimensionality and lattice defects
Annals of Physics 321, 1730 (2006)

Elastic scattering susceptibility of the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d: A comparison between real and momentum space spectroscopy
K. McElroy, G.-H. Gweon, S. Y. Zhou, J. Graf, S. Uchida, H. Eisaki, H. Takagi, T. Sasagawa, D.-H. Lee, and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. Lett 96, 067005 (2006)

Normal state spectral lineshapes of nodal quasiparticles in single layer Bi2201 superconductor
A.Lanzara, P. V. Bogdanov, X. J. Zhou, N. Kaneko, H. Eisaki, M. Greven, Z. Hussain and Z. X. Shen
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 67, 239 (2006)

Coexistence of sharp quasiparticle dispersions and disorder features in polycrystalline graphite
S.Y. Zhou, G.-H. Gweon, C.D. Spataru, J. Graf, D.-H. Lee, S.G. Louie and A. Lanzara
Phys. Rev. B-(Rapid Communications) 71, 161403(R) (2005)

Oxygen isotope effect on electron dynamics in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
T. Sasagawa, A. Lanzara, G.-H. Gweon, S. Y. Zhou, J. Graf, Suryadijava, H. Takagi
Physica C 426, 436 (2005)

Magnetic properties of Fe/NiO/Fe(0 0 1) trilayers
P.Biagionia, A. BrambillaM.PortalupiaN.RougemailleA.K.SchmidA.LanzaraP.VavassoriM.ZaniM.FinazziL.DuòF.Ciccaccia
J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290, 153 (2005)

An unusual isotope effect in a high temperature superconductor
G.-H. Gweon, T. Sasagawa, S. Y. Zhou, J. Graf, H. Takagi, D. H. Lee, A. Lanzara
Nature 430, 187 (2004)

Lattice dynamics and paired electrons in high temperature superconductors
G.-H. Gweon, S. Y. Zhou, and A. Lanzara

Strong influence of phonons on the electron dynamics of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d
S.Y. Zhou, A. Lanzara
J Phys Chem Solids 65, 1397 (2004)

Nodal vs. antinodal quasiparticles in optimally doped Bi2212 superconductor
A. Lanzara
Physica C 412, 46 (2004)

Universal Nodal Fermi Velocity in High Temperature Superconductors
X. J. Zhou, T. Yoshida, A. Lanzara, P. V. Bogdanov, S. A. Kellar, K. M. Shen, W. L. Yang, F.
Nature - Brief Communication 423, 398 (2003)

Metallic behavior of lightly doped La2-xSrxCuO4 with a Fermi Surface Forming an Arc
T. Yoshida, X. J. Zhou, T. Sasagawa, W. L Yang, P. V. Bogdanov, A. Lanzara, Z. Hussain, T.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 027001 (2003)

Anomalous Momentum Dependence of the Quasiparticle Scattering Rate in Overdoped Bi2212
P. V. Bogdanov, A. Lanzara, X. J. Zhou, W. L. Yang, H. Eisaki, Z. Hussain, and Z. X. Shen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 167002 (2002)

Role of electron-phonon interaction in the strongly correlated cuprate superconductors
Z. X. Shen, A. Lanzara, S. Ishihara, N. Nagaosa

Evidence for ubiquitous electron-phonon coupling in high temperature superconductors
P. V. Bogdanov, X. J. Zhou, S. A. Kellar, D. L. Feng, E. D. Lu, T. Yoshida, H. Eisaki, A. Fujimori, K. Kishio, J. -I.
Nature 412, 510 (2001)

P. V. Bogdanov, A. Lanzara, X. J. Zhou, S. A. Kellar, D. L. Feng, E. D. Lu, J. -I. Shimoyama, K. Kishio, Z. Hussain, Z. -X. Shen.
Phys. Rev. B - Rapid Communications 64, 180505(R) (2001)

Electron like Fermi surface and remnant (π, 0) feature in overdoped La1.78Sr0.22CuO4
T. Yoshida, X. J. Zhou, M. Nakamura, S. A. Kellar, P. V. Bogdanov, E. D. Lu, A. Lanzara, Z. Hussain, A. Ino, T. Mizokawa, A. Fujimori, H. Eisaki, C. Kim, Z. -X. Shen, T. Kakeshita, S. Uchida.
Phys. Rev. B 63, 220501 (2001)

Asymmetric local displacements in the
N. L. Saini, A. Lanzara, A. Bianconi, H. Oyanagi

Evidence for an energy scale for quasiparticle dispersion in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8
P. V. Bogdanov, A. Lanzara, S. A. Kellar, X. J. Zhou, E. D. Lu, W. Zheng, G. Gu, K. Kishio, J. -I. Shimoyama, Z. Hussain, Z.-X. Shen.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2581 (2000)

On the topological features at the fermi surface of Bi2212 system revealed by angle scanning photoemission
N. L. Saini, A. Bianconi, A. Lanzara, J. Avila, M. C. Asensio, S. Tajima, G. D. Gu, N. Koshizuka

Study of complex Cu-O lattice in La8-xSrxCu8O20 by high resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy
N. L. Saini, A. Lanzara, K. B. Garg, A. Bianconi, T. Ito, K. Oka, H. Oyanagi

Nodal spectral weight and Fermi surface in La2-xSrxCuO4
T. Yoshida, M. Nakamura, A. Ino, T. Mizokawa, A. Fujimori, X. J. Zhou, S. A. Kellar, P. V. Bogdanov, E. D. Lu, A. Lanzara, H. Eisaki, Z. Hussain, Z. X. Shen, T. Kakeshita, S. Uchida

Local lattice fluctuations as a function of chemical pressure
N. L. Saini, A. Bianconi, A. Lanzara, S. Agrestini, D. Di Castro, H. Oyanagi

Local structure of the charge ordered La0.5Ca0.5MnO3
S. Agrestini, N. L. Saini, A. Lanzara, F. Natali, A. Bianconi

Doping dependent fluctuations near TC in the Bi2212 superconductor
D. Di Castro, N. L. Saini, A. Bianconi, A. Lanzara

A transition from large to small polarons in the La0.75Ca0.25MnO3 perovskite system
Lanzara, N.L. Saini, M. Brunelli, F. Natali, A. Bianconi, P. Radaelli, S. W. Cheong

Reply to comment: Hot spots on the Fermi surface of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x: stripes versus superstructure
N. L. Saini, A. Bianconi, A. Lanzara, J. Avila, M. C. Asensio, S. Tajima, G. D. Gu, N. Koshizuka

Local structural features of Superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x system: a polarized Cu K-edge XAS study
N. L. Saini, A. Lanzara, A. Bianconi, H. Oyanagi

Study of Cu-O and Cu-La pair correlations in superconducting La2CuO4.1 system by Cu K-edge EXAFS
N.L. Saini, A. Lanzara, A. Bianconi, F. C. Chou, D. C. Johnston

Cross-over from Large to Small Polarons across the Metal-Insulator Transition in Manganites
Lanzara, N. L. Saini, M. Brunelli, F. Natali, A. Bianconi, P.G. Radaelli, S.M. Cheong

Evidence for a second one-dimensional set of states shedding light on the normal phase of high- Tc superconductors
N. L. Saini, J. Avila, M. C. Asensio, S. Tajima, G. D. Gu, N. Koshizuka, A. Lanzara, A. Bianconi

Decrease of Itinerant Holes Near the Metal to Insulator Crossover in Superconducting La1.85Sr0.15CuO4
N.L. Saini, A. Lanzara, A. Bianconi, D. S-L

Anomalous Structural Modulations in La2CuO4.1

The Fermi surface of a high-Tc superconductor at optimum doping by angle-scanning

Photoemission spectroscopy
Bianconi, N.L. Saini, A. Valletta, A. Lanzara, J. Avila, M. C. Asensio, S. Tajima, G. D. Gu, K. Koshizuka

Topology of the Pseudogap and Shadow Bands in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ at Optimum Doping
N. L. Saini, A. Bianconi, J. Avila, A. Lanzara, M. C. Asensio, S. Tajima, G. D. Gu, N. Koshizuka

Local lattice instability and stripes in the CuO2 Plane of the La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 system by polarised XANES and EXAFS
N.L. Saini, A. Lanzara, H. Oyanagi, H. Yamaguchi

Temperature-dependent modulation amplitude of the CuO2 superconducting lattice in La2CuO4.1

From Manganites to cuprates: A comparative study of the local lattice instability
Lanzara, N.L. Saini, M. Brunelli, F. Natali, A. Bianconi, P. Radaelli

Structural instability around Tc observed in Hg-1201 by neutron powder diffraction and EXAFS

Evidence for a striped phase of high Tc superconductor at the Fermi surface

The Gap Amplification at a shape resonance in a superlattice of quantum stripes: a mechanism for high Tc
Perali, A. Bianconi, A. Lanzara and N.L. Saini

Stripe structure in the CuO2 plane of perovskite superconductors
Bianconi, N.L. Saini, T. Rossetti, A. Lanzara, A. Perali, M. Missori, H. Oyanagi, H. Yamaguchi, Y. Nishihara and D. H. Ha

Determination of the local lattice distortions in the CuO2 plane of La1.85Sr0.15CuO4
Bianconi, N.L. Saini, A. Lanzara, M. Missori, T. Rossetti, H. Oyanagi, H.Yamaguchi, K. Oka and T. Ito

Temperature dependent CuO distribution function of the superconducting CuO2 plane

Temperature Dependent Local Structure of the CuO2 Plane in the 1/8 Doped La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 System
Lanzara, N.L. Saini, T. Rossetti, A. Bianconi, H. Oyanagi, H. Yamaguchi, and Y. Maeno

Local Lattice Instability of CuO2 Plane in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 by Polarised Cu K edge absorption
N.L. Saini, A. Lanzara, M. Missori, T. Rossetti, A. Bianconi, H. Oyanagi

Spatial cross-over of polarons across the CMR transition in La0.75Ca0.25MnO3 system
Lanzara, F. Natali, N. L. Saini, A. Bianconi, P. G. Radaelli

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Local structure and T-c suppression in Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYx(Cu1-yZny)(2)O8+x superconductor at 1/8 doping
N. L. Saini, A. Lanzara, A, F. Natali, A. Bianconi, M. Akoshima, Y. Koike, H. Oyanagi

Tc amplification and pseudogap at a shape resonance in a superlattice of quantum stripes
Valletta, G. Bardelloni, M. Brunelli, A. Lanzara, A. Bianconi, N.L. Saini

The isotope effect in a superlattice of quantum stripes
Perali, A. Valletta, G. Bardelloni, A. Bianconi, A. Lanzara, N.L. Saini

Temperature dependent local instability of the Hg1212 structure by polarized EXAFS
N.L. Saini, M. Brunelli, A. Lanzara, M. Lusignoli, T. Rossetti, A. Bianconi, P. Bordet, F. Duc, J.L. Hazemann

Non-homogeneity of the CuO2 plane of the oxygen doped La2CuO4.1 system by polarized EXAFS

Stripe structure and non-homogeneity of the CuO2 plane by joint EXAFS and diffraction
Bianconi, N.L. Saini, A. Lanzara, M. Lusignoli, T. Rossetti
J. Phys. IV France 7 C2-735, (1997)

Anomalous Jahn-Teller distortions in La0.75Ca0.25MnO3 system: an X-ray absorption study
M. Brunelli, A. Lanzara, N.L. Saini, A. Bianconi, A. Valletta, P.G. Radaelli

Evidence for onset of charge density wave in the La-based perovskite superconductors
Lanzara, N.L. Saini, M. Brunelli, A. Valletta and A. Bianconi

Tuning of the Fermi level at the Second Subband of a Superlattice of Quantum Wires in the CuO2 plane: A possible mechanism to Raise the Critical Temperature
N.L. Saini, T. Rossetti, A. Lanzara, M. Missori, A. Perali, H. Oyanagi and A. Bianconi