Emeritus Theorist

Marvin Cohen

University Professor of Physics, Professor Emeritus, Professor of the Graduate School

Marvin L. Cohen is University Professor of Physics at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Faculty Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Cohen’s current and past research covers a broad spectrum of subjects in theoretical condensed matter physics. He is a recipient of the National Medal of Science, the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics, the American Physical Society Oliver E. Buckley Prize for Solid State Physics, the Dickson Prize in Science, the Von Hippel Award of the Materials Research Society, the American Physical Society Julius Edgar Lilienfeld...

Jonathan Arons

Professor Emeritus

Jonathan Arons earned his Ph.D. in Astronomy from Harvard in 1970. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Princeton University Observatory in 1970-71, and at the Institute for Advanced Study in 1971-72. He joined the Astronomy Department at UC Berkeley in 1972, and the Physics Department in 1980. Fellowships and honors include: Woodrow Wilson and Danforth Graduate Fellowships, 1965-70; Guggenheim Fellowship, 1980; Miller Professorships, 1985-86 and 2002-03; elected as an APS Fellow in 1984. He currently serves as Executive Director of the Miller Institute and as Director of the Theoretical...

Mahiko Suzuki

Professor Emeritus

B.S., 1961; M.S., 1963; Ph.D., 1965, University of Tokyo; Research Fellow, Caltech 1965-66; R.C. Tolman Fellow, Caltech 1966-67. Member, Institute for Advanced Study, 1967-68; Research Associate, University of Tokyo, 1968-69; Visiting Associate Professor, Columbia University 1969-70; Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley, 1970-74; Professor, University of California 1974-present; Fulbright Scholar 1965-68; J.S. Guggenheim Fellow 1976-77; Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellow 1995; Fellow, American Physical Society.

Research Interests

The Standard Model of...

Mary K. Gaillard

Professor Emeritus

Ph.D., University of Paris, 1968, Professor at Berkeley since 1981. Member, National Academy of Sciences, Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, l988 E.O. Lawrence Memorial Award, 1993 J.J. Sakurai Prize, Member, National Science Board, Member 1996-2002, American Philosophical Society.

Research Interests

I am interested in pushing particle theory beyond the well-established Standard Model. My work in recent years has focused on the symmetry breaking mechanism by which particles acquire masses, and more specifically on supersymmetry and supergravity. Supersymmetry provides a...

Christopher McKee

Professor Emeritus

Chris McKee received his Ph.D. in Physics from UC Berkeley in 1970. After a brief stay at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, he spent a year as a postdoc at Caltech. He then went to Harvard as an assistant professor of astronomy for three years, and in 1974 he joined the Physics and Astronomy Departments here at Berkeley. He served as the first Director of the Theoretical Astrophysics Center in 1985, and from 1985-1998 he directed the Space Sciences Laboratory. He was the Henry Norris Russell Lecturer of the American Astronomical Society in 2016 and appointed a Legacy...

Robert Littlejohn

Professor Emeritus

Robert Littlejohn received his B.A. in 1975 and his Ph.D. in 1980, both from the University of California at Berkeley. After postdoctoral positions at the La Jolla Institute and the University of California, Los Angeles, he joined the Berkeley faculty in 1983. He has been a Presidential Young Investigator and a Miller Professor, and he is a fellow of the American Physical Society.

Research Interests

I have broad interests in atomic, molecular, nuclear, optical, and plasma physics, and in nonlinear dynamics. I am especially interested in mathematical aspects of basic problems in...