Financial Services

Financial Services

Departmental Budgeting

The Physics Finance Team, under the purview of the Director of Administration, maintains oversight of the entire Physics funding portfolio. This includes all current and non-current funding sources and their related cost centers.


The Physics department complies with SAS115 on a regular periodic basis. It is an audit compliance ensuring that the department has performed certain key controls over financial reporting. More information on SAS115 is available at the Controller’s Office website.

Identity Management (User System Access) review is done on a quarterly basis to determine  if an employee's access and roles are appropriate for his or her current job responsibilities ensuring for the proper segregation of duties within the unit. Follow-up action is taken, which includes deletions or other updates as needed via the Systems Access Request Application (SARA). This control is completed within 28 days from the date of report issuance.


Mavis Njoo-Lau
Director of Finance & Operations
Department of Physics
366 Physics North
Berkeley, CA 94720

Sheela Jhaveri
Financial Analyst
Department of Physics
380 Physics North
Berkeley, CA 94720

Stephen Pride Raffel
Financial Services Analyst
Department of Physics
151B Physics North
Berkeley, CA 94720